[租屋] South Loop 八月份 Sublet

看板Chicago (芝加哥)作者 (mynameiswalle)時間2年前 (2022/06/17 11:46), 2年前編輯推噓0(000)
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大家好! 因工作搬家!尋求短租! 此為Studio,租期7/29(可議)- 8/28。可續租,但租金上漲! -3分鐘到Roosevelt 地鐵 (紅/橘/綠線) -2分鐘到Trader Joe’s -5分鐘到 Jewel Osco - grant park 正對面 Looking for someone to takeover my lease/sublease this 430 square feet studio from 7/29/2022 - 8/28/2022 in south loop! Windows are west facing with a 5 minute walk to the Roosevelt station (green/orange/red line), trader joes and jewel osco. Amenities/features include: -hard wood flooring -stainless steel kitchen appliances -A/C and heating -swimming pool -fitness gym -24/7 doorman -wine storage room -conference room -party room -garage parking (additional fees) -secure package pick up -dry cleaning in building (additional fees) -in facility laundry room -water/gas/AC included, you only need to pay WIFI and electricity. Utilities are separated and the total with everything should be under $1400 per month. (需付$200押金,人到付全額,可議) 歡迎站內或寄信至walle590@gmail.com 非常適合剛來正在找房的同學短租! https://i.imgur.com/lCYvByu.jpg
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