(線上) 英籍大學退休教授 英文SOP, 論文proofrea

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推薦一位英國大學商學院退休教授 提供論文andSOP的專業修改服務 1.科目:全英文論文PROOFREADING跟SOP專業修改 2.教師性別:男 3.學歷:PhD and MA (ECON), University of Manchester, 老師是英國曼徹斯特大學碩士與博士, 之前是senior lecturer 副教授退休, 未退休前任教於一所位於英國中部的大學的商學院, 研究領域是勞工權益與經濟 4.連絡方式:請用英文寫信到網站上的信箱 網站為 https://utopias.org.uk/ 5.自介或經歷: About Dr Gary Daniels Dr Gary Daniels is fortunate to have enjoyed a long career of teaching and writing in UK universities and owned a successful IELTS business in Asia. His academic background is first class. As well as teaching, it spans professional writing, editing, and researching. He holds a MA (Econ) and a PhD from the University of Manchester, UK. He wrote extensively for academic journals and practitioner reports throughout his career and edited a critically acclaimed book for Routledge, one of the world's leading academic publishers. A Message from Dr Gary Daniels About His Service Do you need your personal statement or admissions essay turned into a compelling and professional piece of writing? Look no further! It is probably true to say that your college application is the most important of your life. So, you will need a person with an established track record of proven excellence in the field of higher education on your side to prepare a flawless personal statement or admission essay. I am that person. I specialise in editing, strengthening, and polishing academic text. You can take advantage of my knowledge and experience of guiding and inspiring students to achieve their study goals and realise their future career ambitions. My service is a very straightforward one. Simply send me a rough draft that contains the fundamental components of a personal statement/admissions essay, and I will handle the rest. In doing this, I will use the raw material you have provided to conduct a detailed sentence-by-sentence edit. My redraft will ensure that your writing reads well and expresses the ideas that you want it to. My writing will reflect the excellent combination of skills and experience you can offer. You have travelled a long way and accomplished so much already, so I will ensure that the narrative we produce together highlights these achievements and portrays your strengths. I will also make sure it is logically structured, appropriately toned, relevant, consistent, and directly addresses the essay question/task. When we are done, your essay/statement will be the best possible version of itself. It will be elegant, concise, and tidy, with all grammatical and stylistic matters fully attended to. I will furnish you with expert feedback and offer professional advice that will also prove useful in your future studies and career. Having recently retired, I have the time, energy, and dedication to collaborate with you to transform your draft into an exceptional piece of writing. Dr Gary Daniels, Utopias English His services start at 1500TWD (£38). You can find out more about Dr Gary Daniels, Utopias English at https://utopias.org.uk/ ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-N960F. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (英國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1607250076.A.C63.html ※ 編輯: chilou ( 英國), 12/06/2020 18:28:32 ※ chilou:轉錄至看板 AdvEduUK 12/06 18:31
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