
看板Immigration (移民事務)作者 (puni)時間1月前 (2024/08/30 07:57), 1月前編輯推噓2(2012)
留言14則, 3人參與, 1月前最新討論串1/1
如題,面試完後面試官要看我的結婚證書。 我當時沒有特別帶著,因為看了很久面試通知,很清楚寫著除非是透過結婚拿到綠卡的才 要帶著。 我拿到綠卡是結婚好幾年前,所以就沒有多想。 想請問一下,這個部分是指,我只需要給影本就好了嗎? 還是需要給正本? What You Need to Do You must provide the following information in order for us to make a final dec ision on your case: Submit a copy of your marriage certificate. The marriage certificate must be issued by the government agency authorized to issue the document. For immigration purposes, the marriage must have been reg istered with the government agency authorized to register marriages from the l ocation where the marriage took place. The marriage certificate must have the seal of the issuing office, the date of registration, and signature of the reg istrar. Your response must be received in this office by October 1, 2024. Please note that you have been allotted the maximum period allowed for respond ing to a Request for Evidence (RFE). The time period for responding cannot be extended. See Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations (8 CFR), sections 103.2(b)( 8)(iv) and 335.7. Because many immigration benefits are time sensitive, you ar e encouraged to respond to this request as early as possible so that we can re sume processing your case, but no later than the deadline provided. If you do not respond to this notice within the allotted time, your case may be denied. The regulations do not provide for an extension of time to submit the requeste d evidence. You should either mail the requested information to the address shown below or scan and upload your response using your USCIS online account (if applicable) . You must submit the requested information by October 1, 2024. If the request is for original documents, you must submit that evidence by mai l. 這個我不是很懂...什麼叫做Original Document? 上面是要求Copy 代表我上傳就可以了嗎?謝謝 我的USCIS帳號多了一個按鍵寫著Response for Evidence。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1724975821.A.EDD.html ※ 編輯: k24618099 ( 美國), 08/30/2024 07:57:25 ※ 編輯: k24618099 ( 美國), 08/30/2024 07:58:51

08/30 09:23, 1月前 , 1F
0.0 English test lol. 最後一段是說如果USCIS跟你講
08/30 09:23, 1F

08/30 09:23, 1月前 , 2F
08/30 09:23, 2F

08/30 09:23, 1月前 , 3F
你的第三段就說a copy of your marriage certificate,
08/30 09:23, 3F

08/30 09:23, 1月前 , 4F
所以是副本.. 你線上提交即可.
08/30 09:23, 4F

08/30 10:52, 1月前 , 5F
要正本,copy 是量詞不是指影本
08/30 10:52, 5F

08/30 22:04, 1月前 , 6F
"Original Document"->原(政府)單位開的證明文件
08/30 22:04, 6F

08/30 22:04, 1月前 , 7F
08/30 22:04, 7F

08/30 22:04, 1月前 , 8F
inal Document)的時候會特別說明(一定會有"original (doc
08/30 22:04, 8F

08/30 22:04, 1月前 , 9F
ument)"字眼)。N-400 Instructions有關於 copies的說明,
08/30 22:04, 9F

08/30 22:04, 1月前 , 10F
08/30 22:04, 10F

08/30 22:05, 1月前 , 11F
行多次製造,就像是出版社大量出產印刷品,所以是用 a
08/30 22:05, 11F

08/30 22:05, 1月前 , 12F
copy of ...表達)。當然,如果你很擔心的話,那麼就去市
08/30 22:05, 12F

08/30 22:05, 1月前 , 13F
08/30 22:05, 13F

08/30 22:05, 1月前 , 14F
08/30 22:05, 14F
謝謝 想說謹慎一點...因為上面說只能回覆一次。 ※ 編輯: k24618099 ( 美國), 08/30/2024 23:29:55
文章代碼(AID): #1cqGhDxT (Immigration)
文章代碼(AID): #1cqGhDxT (Immigration)