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Location: Hacienda Hts, Rowland Hts, Pomona and Westwood
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選擇以下托福套組, 讓你免走冤枉路, 輕鬆打敗托福考試, 三個願望一次滿足
套組一 Price:USD$70
1. The Official Guide to the TOEFL Test, Third Edition includes CD- NEW!
2. Longman- Preparation course for the TOEFL test, Second Edition with answer
key includes CD- NEW!
3. Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL test, Four Edition includes CD- USED
4. 托福口說本領書 貝塔語言- USED
5. Kaplan TOEFL 練習題 兩組- NEW! (聽, 說, 讀以及寫) includes CD
1. 台北登峰補習班上課講義(聽, 說, 讀, 寫以及單字)- USED
2. 黃金閱讀(包括TPO1-17回: 題目, 解答及中文翻譯)- USED
3. IBT新托福聽力真題文本(包括TPO1-14回: 題目, 解答及文章內容)- USED
4. Kaplan TOEFL Textbook 兩組- USED(聽, 說, 讀以及寫)
套組二(Cal Poly Pomona ESL program Level 3)- USED Price:USD$50
1. Maurer/ Focus on Grammar 4(Fourth Edition), NO.: 978-0-13-254649-2
2. Boardman/ Writing to Communicate 2, NO.: 978-0-13-235116-4
3. Timed Reading 3, NO.: 0-89061-505-5E
4. Northstar 3 Listening and Speaking, Third Edition, No.:978-0-13-613313-1
5. Vocabulary Power 2 Practicing Essential Words, No.: 978-0-13-222150-4
套組三(Cal Poly Pomona ESL program Level 4)- USED Price:USD$50
1. Writing to Communicate Book3, No.: 978-0-13-240-7441
2. Maurer/ Focus on Grammar 5(Fourth Edition), No.: 978-0-13-254650-8
3. Timed Reading 9, No.: 0-89061-511-X
4. Dingle/ Vocabulary Power 3, No.: 978-0-13-243178-1
5. Northstar Listening and Speaking Book 4, Third Edition, No.:
套組一: 準備托福考試必備, 有了這些托福聖經讓托福考試變成一塊蛋糕
套組二及三: 並非完全是托福叢書, 但在準備托福上有如虎添翼的效果
每個套組不分開販賣, 價錢可議, 細節可以再討論
意者請寄信: lose_cellphone@hotmail.com
PS. 本篇為代Po, 請勿寄站內信, 謝謝
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