
看板NewYork (紐約市)作者 (An)時間2年前 (2022/04/05 14:49), 2年前編輯推噓2(203)
留言5則, 3人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/1
1# 徵求6月2日-6月7日的短租 可以私訊討論住宿費要付現 或是幫忙代購台灣的東西過去當報酬 睡沙發或是打地鋪都ok 有地方讓我洗澡睡覺放行李就好 2# 如果有人6/2-6/7 有空帶我逛逛紐約 也歡迎私訊討論 不然都要自己逛有點孤單XD 3# 有認識機場接送司機 或是收費合理的Uber/Lyft司機 拜託私訊我聯絡資訊 感謝 我的飛機6/2 20:35到JFK機場 過海關完應該很晚了 第一次去紐約 不敢半夜搭地鐵 還要扛行李 感覺會死掉QQ 4# 華航有兩件23公斤的托運行李 但我只帶一個行李箱 所以還有一個23公斤的托運行李quota 有需要代購什麼台灣的東西過去紐約的可以私訊討論 (合法的 不要讓我被海關抓去小房間XD) 5# 以上四樣 有其中一樣符合都歡迎私訊討論 感謝 都沒有的話也可以幫我轉傳給您在紐約的朋友 感激不盡 ※ 預算/人數/搬入時間 Budget, Dates & Number of People ▼ 一天30美金/一人/到達時間大概6月3日凌晨一兩點/要在6月7日半夜3點搭巴士離開紐約 大概凌晨一兩點退房 ※ 區域範圍/交通方式 Areas & Transit Methods ▼ 治安不要太差即可、附近有地鐵站佳(沒有也沒關係,我蠻喜歡走路) ※ 聯絡方式 Contacts ▼ 可以站內信 但回比較慢 也可以加line 0919633633 https://i.imgur.com/h3C6B0b.jpg
※ 細節 Details ▼ 1# Looking for short-term rental from June 2 to June 7. You can private message to discuss the accommodation fee to pay in cash, Or help to buy things in Taiwan as a reward in the past. Sleeping on the sofa or laying on the floor is ok. There is a place for me to take a shower, sleep and put my luggage. 2# If someone June 2 to June 7 Take me around New York when you have time. Private message discussions are also welcome. Otherwise, it's a bit lonely to go travel by myself . 3# Know the airport shuttle driver Or a reasonably priced Uber/Lyft driver. Please private message contact information. Thanks. My plane arrives at JFK airport at 20:35 on June 2. It must be late after customs. The first time I went to New York, I didn't dare to take the subway in the mi ddle of the night. 4# My Airlines has two pieces of checked baggage weighing 23kg. But I only bring one suitcase. So there is also a checked luggage quota of 23kg. If you need to buy something from Taiwan, you can discuss it by private messa ge in New York. (Of course legal items, don't let me be taken to a small room by customs. hah aha) 5# The above four items If you have any of them, you are welcome to private message discussion . If you don't have it, you can help me pass it on to your friends in New York. Thank you so much. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/NewYork/M.1649141359.A.174.html ※ 編輯: Lian18 ( 臺灣), 04/05/2022 14:50:10

04/11 21:46, 2年前 , 1F
04/11 21:46, 1F

04/11 21:46, 2年前 , 2F
04/11 21:46, 2F

04/12 12:58, 2年前 , 3F
04/12 12:58, 3F

04/12 12:59, 2年前 , 4F
04/12 12:59, 4F

04/15 10:57, 2年前 , 5F
04/15 10:57, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1YI-Pl5q (NewYork)
文章代碼(AID): #1YI-Pl5q (NewYork)