[分享] SK2 Pallas 口說獨立題想點示範

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大家好,我是SK2 TOEFL的口說顧問Pallas,上次剛和大家聊完整合題的練習方式,今天 想和大家分享一些口說獨立題的想點舉例~ 最近辦顧問時間,很多同學現場答題時都會遇到不會想點或想例子的問題,所以今天來跟 大家分享一些想點的方向。 1. Some people prefer to watch movies at the cinema, while others prefer to watch them at home. Which do you prefer and why? 首先第一句話就破題,不要用鋪陳的方式開始: I prefer watching movies at home. 第二句話解釋: This is because I enjoy the comfort of my own space, and watching movies at home can give me the best experience. 第三句起講個簡單的故事敘述一下: For example, last Sunday, I decided to rewatch one of my favorite movies, Ratatouille. More specifically, I chose to watch it in my living room at home. During the entire movie, I was dressed in my cozy pajamas, and I even had a soft blanket to cover myself. Moreover, I prepared my favorite snacks for my movie night, caramel popcorn and potato chips, so my movie night was perfect. As someone who enjoys the comfort of personal space, I had an amazing experience. That’s why I prefer watching movies at home. 2. Some people enjoy cooking meals at home, while others prefer ordering takeout or dining out. Which do you prefer and why? 首先第一句話就破題,不要用鋪陳的方式開始: I prefer cooking meals at home. 第二句話解釋: This is because I want to save more money, and eating out often can be quite expensive. 第三句起講個簡單的故事敘述一下: For example, last month, I challenged myself to prepare all my meals at home. I planned my grocery shopping every day, and I started only buying items that were on sale. Also, every week, I cooked a large batch of noodles, and they would last me an entire week. By the end of the month, I saved over US$400 on food. 最後如果還有時間,講個反例: On the other hand, if I ate out every day last month, I would have wasted over US$900. Since I hope to save more money, I definitely prefer to cook meals at home. 以上兩個例子大家可以看到,其實托福的例子並不難產出,只要跟隨著一開始產出的邏輯 ,用一個具體的小例子作輔佐,若時間還夠再加上個反例,用字遣詞和句型都不用很難, 就能產出一個很簡單明瞭、好複製的托福口說答案囉~ 今天跟大家分享到這邊,希望對各位有幫助, Until next time, Pallas -- 台北最多人托福高分、課後資源最完善、顧問最專業的 SK2 TOEFL Consultant Group. http://SK2toefl.blogspot.com A dream you dream alone is just a dream, a dream we dream together is reality -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/TOEFL_iBT/M.1709475503.A.AE4.html
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