[情報] 曼谷航空Bangkok Airways(PG) 50% 獎勵票

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (Go! Illini!)時間11年前 (2013/05/10 22:41), 編輯推噓4(401)
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一年一度的 曼谷航空公司_Bangkok Airways(PG) 50% off award 又來了 開票時間 5/15~7/10 旅行時間 5/20~7/15 http://www.flyerbonus.com/ffp/promotion_detail.aspx?id=226&type=news_en Your FlyerBonus points are now worth twice their value thanks to a special 50% discount on air award redemptions. A great opportunity to redeem air ticket awards at 50% off the standard rate to any destination in the Bangkok Airways network. Enjoy your holiday even more by taking a well-deserved load off your mind and wallet. Make the most of your FlyerBonus points by redeeming your favourite award and save up to 50%. The offer applies to all members for all destinations and will only be open for bookings between May 15 and July 10, 2013 to travel between May 20 and July 15, 2013. So start planning your trip now! 常去泰國玩但是沒加入過的朋友可以趕快加入, 因為這計畫常送點數 1. 首飛送 15 點 2. 生日都會送點, 2013生日當天飛送 45 點 3. 問卷也送點 4. 常搭配泰國飯店送點 點數三年才過期 配合上五折優惠, 三年一定可以讓你換到一張免費機票 延伸閱讀: 1. http://loyaltylobby.com/2013/05/09/bangkok-airways-flyerbonus-50- off-award-sale-2/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=bangkok- airways-flyerbonus-50-off-award-sale-2 (縮) http://tinyurl.com/c76ccgu 2. http://boardingarea.com/blogs/tmtravelworldcn/2013/03/27/jaltobkk/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

05/10 23:18, , 1F
05/10 23:18, 1F

05/11 07:47, , 2F
推 馬上來註冊一個XD
05/11 07:47, 2F

05/11 08:44, , 3F
推 謝分享
05/11 08:44, 3F

05/11 08:45, , 4F
05/11 08:45, 4F

05/11 10:29, , 5F
05/11 10:29, 5F
文章代碼(AID): #1HZGSgN4 (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1HZGSgN4 (points)