[情報] AV share miles 100% bonus[*A/AV]

看板points (點數哩程板)作者時間11年前 (2013/10/02 08:07), 編輯推噓11(1106)
留言17則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
稍早收到的信,應該不是target,要和US打對台 Transfer your LifeMiles and they will receive double! From October 1st to 15th, transfer LifeMiles to your family or friends, we will double the miles transferred to their account and they will receive the double! Terms and Conditions (摘錄): 1.This promotion applies between October 1st, 2013 and October 15th, 2013, as the last date of transfer. 2.Minimum transfer miles: 1,000. Maximum transfer miles: 50,000. The miles must be transferred in multiples of 1,000. 3.Transfer fee for each block of 1,000 LifeMiles: USD $15 + local taxes. 4.The amount paid for the miles’transfer is not refundable. 5.The transfer can only be done through Enjoy/Transfer LifeMiles 6.Does not apply to the Flexible Redemption (miles + money) during the payment process of air ticket redemption. 7.The miles transferred and earned with this promotion do not apply to achieve Elite status. 轉換價格成本:15USD/1000 最大轉換量:50,000 等於是用15*50=750USD買到50,000 miles AV兌換表: https://www.lifemiles.com/eng/inc/starredawards.aspx 看來真的要辦版聚了XD 光輝十月! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: LoseProphet 來自: (10/02 08:35)

10/02 08:52, , 1F
10/02 08:52, 1F

10/02 08:54, , 2F
驗證了不收processing fee 也不收tax
10/02 08:54, 2F

10/02 08:55, , 3F
航空公司此時淡季促銷多 (順便要增加今年營業額).
10/02 08:55, 3F

10/02 09:20, , 4F
10/02 09:20, 4F

10/02 09:28, , 5F
之前買一送一沒有出手 :(
10/02 09:28, 5F

10/02 09:42, , 6F
1 可以徵一下互轉嗎 感恩..
10/02 09:42, 6F

10/02 10:37, , 7F
10/02 10:37, 7F

10/02 10:41, , 8F
10/02 10:41, 8F

10/02 10:47, , 9F
10/02 10:47, 9F

10/02 10:59, , 10F
10/02 10:59, 10F

10/02 11:00, , 11F
10/02 11:00, 11F

10/02 11:02, , 12F
10/02 11:02, 12F

10/02 11:04, , 13F
10/02 11:04, 13F

10/02 11:16, , 14F
AV在政策上相當反覆 漲表不通知 收費不通知
10/02 11:16, 14F

10/02 11:16, , 15F
偷偷屏蔽航班不通知 白板帳號請小心
10/02 11:16, 15F

10/02 11:16, , 16F
哈哈 y大果然性情中人 專業術語都懂!
10/02 11:16, 16F

10/02 11:16, , 17F
因為AV可以事後跳出來說: 我忘了寫
10/02 11:16, 17F
※ 編輯: LoseProphet 來自: (10/02 12:15)
文章代碼(AID): #1IIsFFgc (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1IIsFFgc (points)