[新聞] 馬拉威小型飛機墜毀,五名觀光客死亡
Malawi plane crash kills 5 tourists
Mon, 18 Jun 2007
A light aircraft crashed in northern Malawi on Saturday, killing five British
tourists and the Canadian pilot, a civil aviation official said.
The group had been on a sightseeing tour of Malawi's Nyika Plateau in the
northern Rumphi district when the Cessna 206 crashed in a game park on
Saturday evening, the country's chief aviation officer Raymond Phesele, told
AFP on Sunday.
"Yes, I can confirm the accident took place last evening. Unfortunately six
people, all of them, died on board," he said.
Phesele said the plane, operated by the Nyika Safaris tourist company, took
off around 4pm (1400 GMT) from the nearby Chilinda Airfield.
The civil aviation department would launch "investigations as soon as
possible to establish what happened", he added.
A worker at a tourist lodge near the accident site told AFP the plane went
down in dense fog and cloud cover.
The airfield does not have computerised landing equipment.
The Nyika Plateau, a key tourist attraction for its fauna and flora, is about
400 kilometres north of the country's administrative capital Lilongwe.
This was Malawi's second light plane crash this year.
An aircraft chartered by Australian mining company Paladin crashed in central
Malawi in March, killing two people — a pilot and the company's chief
executive for operations Granet Halliday.
這篇新聞的重點在於,在馬拉威有個很有名的觀光景點:尼卡國家公園(Nyika Plateau)
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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