[發問] is anyone in 馬利?

看板Africa (非洲文化)作者 (D2 Urea Copper Pulp )時間15年前 (2009/06/30 10:32), 編輯推噓0(000)
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can you help me to Deliever COMMODITY SPECIFICATIONS產品規格 COMMODITY: Gold Dust. 金砂 ORIGIN: MALI馬利 Form: DUST砂 PACKING DETAILS: Export Package Boxes LABORATORY: Ministère of Mines (OBRGM) / SGS PRODUCT HISTORY: Clean, clear, no liens and non criminal origin Purity: 92.5% Quantity: 100 kgs for the first and second shipments, and then 2,000 kgs x 24 months. CURRENCY OF PAYMENT: US Dollar VALIDITY: Subject to our final agreement Mode of transportation / shipment: Air freight. Price per kg: US$ 16,500 Net per Kg to Buyer CIF: Kaohsiung, Taiwan [insert name of refinery and destination country] QUANTITY數量 The total contractual quantity of 1kgs under the terms of this Agreement shall be delivered in 100 kgs for the first and second shipments; and then 2,000 kgs for 24 months with partial shipment allowed. 在此協議的期限下的總合約數量是1公斤;首批及次批各出貨100公斤;然後2,000公 斤 × 24個月。同意分批交貨。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
文章代碼(AID): #1AINbPJO (Africa)
文章代碼(AID): #1AINbPJO (Africa)