[招募] Volunteer in Africa and Caribbean

看板Africa (非洲文化)作者 (Henry)時間15年前 (2010/02/03 11:35), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ [本文轉錄自 Volunteer 看板] 作者: laichiawei (Henry) 看板: Volunteer 標題: [招募] Volunteer in Africa and Caribbean 時間: Wed Feb 3 09:40:13 2010 ★ 服務地點:加勒比海及非洲 ★ 服務內容簡介: The Richmond Vale Academy is a school that (for 3 to 6 months) trains people how to work in community development and then places them in humanitarian aid projects in Africa and Ecuador for 6 to 4 months respectively. We are part of the International DRH Movement and we work with the organization Humana People to People. Training Our training is based on practical lessons about: - Development of organizational and communication skills - Prevention and information of diseases - Income generation projects - Organic farming - Global history and economy - Conflict resolution - Basic maintenance and construction skills - And more Projects We work in Mozambique, Malawi, South Africa, Ecuador and Brazil in community development in the areas of: Development - Child aid - Community programs Health - Fight and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other diseases Education - Start up and run of primary and pre schools - Vocational schools - Train future teachers ★ 聯絡人及聯絡方式: "Stina Herberg" <stina@richmondvaleacademy.org> 寄信時請著名來自TAIWAN! 或駐聖文森台灣志工Henry <henry0603@gmail.com> ★ 招募時間:任何時間 ★ 其他資訊(廣告文宣): http://www.richmondvale.org/ How to Join Enrollment Process 1. You may call us, write to us an e-mail or make an e-meeting (via Skype or MSN) to talk about your questions and our programs. Additionally, we have a lot of written material that we can share with you. * Occasionally, we have informative presentations in different countries where you can personally meet with our Promotion Assistants. We will inform you when we have one in your country. 2. Once you have all the necessary information, you will have to fill up the application form (HERE). 3. After receiving your application, you will have a telephone meeting or a meeting with our Promotion Assistant in your country. * Once you are accepted in the program, you will also need to pay the enrollment and program fee. 4. O.K! When your program starts, you will be part of the fight against poverty with us! Requirements There is no age limit and no previous academic degrees are required. Anyone who is over 17.5 years and is: * hard working, * flexible, * motivated * ready for an adventure and a challenge * has the "heart in the right place" Q: What age requirements are there? A: You need to be over 17,5 years there is no upper limit Q: What is the average age of the participants A: about 25-27, some are 18-22, some are 40-50 so the average is about 25-27 years -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: laichiawei 來自: (02/03 11:34) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:
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