[情報] 7/26 Meet BU MBA at the MBA Tour.
Meet MBA Programs of Questrom School of Business, Boston Univeristy at the MBA Tour online fair on
July 26.
Connect with Business Schools from worldwide, including Canada, China,France,
Netherlands, Singapore, UK, US, and more.
Ready to make your MBA dream a reality?
There's a business school for everyone;
find yours at The MBA Tour Taiwan/ HK on July 26, the perfect way to explore
your business school options and find out which program aligns best with your
career goals.
Don't miss your opportunity to speak directly with leading business schools,
such as Columbia, Oxford, INSEAD, NUS, & Fudan, attend interactive
presentations to compare various programs, get your questions answered during
small group meetings, improve your application and more!
Free entry; save your spot today.
The MBA Tour - Taiwan/ HK
Time, 6-10 pm, Tuesday, July 26, 2022
More info and online registration: https://bit.ly/3zgDCu3
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Boston/M.1658717889.A.23D.html
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