Re: ich liebe Deutschland

看板Germany (德國)作者 (飛騰)時間18年前 (2007/01/13 18:13), 編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 最新討論串4/6 (看更多)
其實住德國兩年多了,交到各國的朋友以後慢慢瞭解 人類還是這麼一回事,貪吃懶惰吝嗇偷吃步 看到外表差異好像很大,那也只是文化的差異 實際上如果你可以把這層東西丟掉,大家都是一樣的 ※ 引述《accountingma (Life is splendid~)》之銘言: : German puntuality is just an illusion. I had similar situation as u did. : I feel sometimes they are more buracratic rather than organized and precise. : Comapred to French and Spanish, Germans r quite serious and hard to communicate : with. Sometimes, they r way too rational and inflexible. That is how I feel after working : 7 months of working in Germany. : There are some good aspects for Deutschland, like rule-abided, clean, and relaxing. : I think it is more fair to share the good and bad aspects of Germany as many : people come here to look for information . Anyway, daily life is totally different : from the prearrival image and fantascy. -- 媽!你要嫁給這個阿伯 還是這個阿公? --電影 今天不回家-- -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: phyton 來自: (01/13 18:14)

01/14 01:25, , 1F
01/14 01:25, 1F
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