[情報] 愛奴琴與歌:Ramat Tuntek別所誠洋 臺灣行

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愛奴琴與歌 Tonkori's Loop: Ramat Tuntek aka Masahiro Bessho 別所誠洋 臺灣行 Taiwan Tour 時間 Time/ 2018/05/01(二) 19:30 地點 Venue/ 江山藝改所(新竹市興達街1號) Jiang Shan Yi Gai Suo (No. 1, Xingda St., Hsinchu City) 表演者 Performer/ Ramat Tuntek a.k.a Masahiro Bessho 別所誠洋 (JP) / 彤谷麗琴、木箱鼓、擊樂器、 人聲、循環錄音效果器 tonkori, cajon, percussion, looper 入場贊助 Donation for entrance/ 預售 Advance $300 學生 Student $320 兒童 Children(未滿12歲 Under 12)$200 四人同行早鳥優惠 Early bird for a group of 4(4/24前需繳費完成 donate before 4/24)$1000 現場 At Door $400 ※入場報名(報名後需匯款以完成報名程序) Registration for entrance donation (advance payment required): https://www.accupass.com/event/1804181851061925920809 ※入場贊助匯款帳號 Account for advance donation: 銀行 Bank:玉山銀行 E.Sun Bank (808) 帳號 Account No.:0060979151210 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演 About The Performance/ 如果您曾聽過彤谷麗琴(TONKORI)知名的樂手OKI的音樂,相信您一定不陌生。由 TONKORI所發出的泛音加上Looper的效果,無形中就創造了一個空間。而隨著聲音的堆疊 ,空間感便豐富了起來,構成了聲音的曼荼羅,而你身在其中。 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 關於表演者 About The Performer/ ● Ramat Tuntek aka Masahiro Bessho 別所誠洋 (JP) https://masahiro-bessho.jimdo.com/ https://www.facebook.com/ramattuntek/ 歌手,詞曲創作人,同時也是位藝術家,使用北海道愛奴族的傳統弦樂器トンコリ( TONKORI)做為主要的表演樂器。歌曲以愛奴族民謠在世界各地交織的各種民族音樂為基 礎,配合著即興的打擊和聲響,透過循環錄音效果器(Looper)產生的效果,創造出屬於 自己個人風格的表演。 2016年所發行的個人專輯被愛努族的長者賦予「Ramat Tuntek」這個名字,意思為「心靈 的聲音」、「讓人們重新獲得醫治和平靜,讓人們回歸心靈」,這個名字也一直沿用到現 在。 自1982年以來,組成或參與過不少演唱團體、音樂劇團、舞踏團等的演出,也在不少日本 大型戶外音樂祭的草創時期留下紀錄。2006年至2009年曾一度暫停音樂活動,2010年再次 始動,參與許多知名音樂家的共演。2014年~2016年連續參加韓國濟州島和平音樂祭演出 ,2016年11月曾經來台在花蓮太巴塱、台北演出。 Ramat Tuntek a.k.a Masahiro Bessho is a singer & songwriter also solo artist. He plays the string instrument "Tonkori" of Sakhalin Ainu and improvisedly loops percussion instruments and voices. Based on the Ainu folk songs interwoven various ethnic music around the world. "Ainu" is Japanese Aboriginal people who lived Hokkaido JAPAN before B.C. Engraving the tradition and spirit of Aboriginal people who lived with the earth in their own deep part, The sound world where Ainu, Africa, Asia and Celtic intersect, It resonates with the soul beyond every borders and releases it to a new dimension. The meaning of the name Ramat Tuntek "The sound of soul" who regain healing and calm to the people, who return the heart to the people. In 2016 he released a solo album and was given named Ramat Tuntek from the elder of Ainu. From 1991 Nippon Crown Record debuted with "NAMTIE BAZAR" album. In 1994 he formed "TENKOO Orchestra" and debuted worldwide from German IC / Digit Music GmbH. And we released 10 albums in Japan. He performed with Haruomi Hosono(ex YMO) and Shōkichi Kina(Okinawa's great musicians) and more..., and appeared in RAINBOW 2000, Fuji Rock Festival etc. Dave Goodman who was Sex Pistols producer invited us to Glastonbury Festival in UK every year until 1997-2001. He is also active as a percussionist in supporting and recording many musicians in and outside of the country. 活動頁面:https://www.facebook.com/events/232116940865819/ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 編輯: OscarJeff (, 04/29/2018 16:58:10 ※ OscarJeff:轉錄至看板 NHCUE-Talk 04/29 16:58
文章代碼(AID): #1QvOa8Gz (JP_Custom)
文章代碼(AID): #1QvOa8Gz (JP_Custom)