[轉錄][網宣] 國際名家論壇: 中國人?華人?—東南亞ꨠ…

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※ [本文轉錄自 NTUOCSA 看板] 作者: cct0207 (河童狗是河童歐~) 標題: [網宣] 國際名家論壇: 中國人?華人?—東南亞版的華人「認同」ꄊ時間: Tue Jan 1 17:33:43 2008 ※ [本文轉錄自 cct0207 信箱] 作者: cct0207 (河童狗是河童歐~) 標題: [網宣] 國際名家論壇: 中國人?華人?—東南亞版的華人「認同」ꄊ時間: Tue Jan 1 17:27:22 2008 國際名家論壇 The MediaTek International Lecture Series 中國人?華人?—東南亞版的華人「認同」 What Kind of Chinese? Southeast Asian Variations 十九世紀,中國人飄洋過海到東南亞胼手胝足打拼生活,落地生根一代又一代之後,他們 「中國人」的身份發生了什麼變化?什麼時候「中國人」變成了「華人」?「華人」與中 國又有什麼樣的緊密又矛盾的關係?與英國殖民政府又有什麼樣的拉鋸? 「華僑」這個詞,也逐漸消失,東南亞華人的文化認同,是否有了根本的質變?新中國的 「大國崛起」,對於新世代的華人,是不是一個「認同」的全新挑戰? The Chinese Overseas in Malaysia and Singapore faced a series of identity challenges. Changes within China as well as the complex interactions with the British colonial authorities all affected the identity issue. Since the 1950s, several kinds of nationalism demanded redefinitions of identity, while globalization, regionalism, and the rise of China each begins to attract those of Chinese descent in different ways. Reflections will be offered on future development. 講者 王賡武 新加坡國立大學特級教授 生於印尼泗水,在馬來西亞長大,並於中國和英國求學,專研「海外華人」議題五十年 不綴。他強調不同地區華人的「差異性」,不僅打破西方對華人的刻版描述,也顛覆傳 統的華人研究,是國際公認研究海外華人的權威。著作被譯成英、德、法、西與韓語等 多國版本。曾任香港大學校長,現為新加坡國立大學特級教授及台灣中研院院士。 Speaker Dr. Wang Gungwu Professor, National University of Singapore Professor Wang Gungwu, a pioneer and leading authority on the study of Southeast Asian Chinese societies, was born in Indonesia and raised in Malaysia. He received his Ph.D. at the University of London in 1957. Between 1986 and 1995, he was Vice-Chancellor of the University of Hong Kong. Currently he holds the distinguished faculty position of National University of Singapore. Professor Wang has been honoured worldwide: member of Taiwan's Academia Sinica, Honorary Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and recipient of the prestigious International Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prize. His works have been published in English, Chinese, and Malay, and translated into Japanese, German, French, Spanish, and Korean. 主持 龍應台 / 作家 Moderator Lung Yingtai / Writer 時間:2008年2月23日(六)下午2:00~5:00 地點:中山堂光復廳(台北市延平南路98號) Date & Time: Saturday, 23 February 2007 2:00pm- 5:00pm Venue: Zhongshan Hall ( No.98, Yenping S. Rd., Taipei) 全程英語 同步翻譯 Discussion in English with simultaneous interpretation 敬請自備證件於現場換取口譯耳機,費用200 元,憑學生證,優待費用100元。 Earphones can be rented at the venue (General: $200NT, with Student ID: $100NT) 報名 Registration Tel 02-33224907 Fax 02-33224918 www.civictaipei.org -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/04 10:46, , 1F
01/04 10:46, 1F
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