Re: [問題] 有人會煮Mi rebus嗎?

看板Malaysia (馬來西亞)作者 (littlegirl)時間16年前 (2008/04/27 13:08), 編輯推噓4(400)
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※ 引述《rambutan (葡萄餅乾)》之銘言: : 雖然問食譜應該去cookclub版問 : 可是我想po到哪裡應該沒結果吧 Orz : 想跪求Mi rebus的作法~有好心人可以告訴我嗎? : 對不起我餓太久了 : 昨晚睡不著時一直想著家鄉食物 : (人老了都愛思鄉) : 我有n年沒吃到Mi rebus了 : 想起十年前在寬中附近跟高中同學去吃一間mamak檔的Mi rebus : 那個好滋味現在想起來就流口水 XDDD : 近期又不會回家,只好想辦法自力救濟 : 如果沒有食譜也沒關係,台灣或是新竹哪裡吃得到的嗎? : 謝謝~~~~~(感恩跪) : 好想邊吃麵邊懷念高中無憂無慮的日子啊 (遠目) 英文的,ok嗎? Ingredients: Thick yellow noodles (oiled noddles) bean sprouts beef finely sliced prawns, shelled and keep the shells sweet potato flour (or other flour for thickening) sweet potatoes (or potatoes) coconut milk eggs tofu shallots, finely sliced sour lime(or lime juice) dark soya sauce (optional) green chili, sliced (optional) shrimp fry(baby shrimp) Rempah(Spice paste): garlic dried chili onion tumeric shollots galangal blacan(shrimp paste) coriander powder beanpaste (taocheo) ground black pepper preparation: 1.fry prawn shells in a little oil for several minutes, add water to make stock. Strain. 2.peel and boil sweet potatoes, then mash. 3.boil eggs, shell and cut into four. 4.prepare rempah in blender, add prawn and blend till smooth. 5.fry finely sliced shallots. 6.cut tofu into small cubes and deep fried in oil. 7.dry fry the baby shrimps. Method: Fry rempah in oil till fragrant, add beef add prawn stock, coconut milk, mashed sweet potatoes.Thicken further with sweet potato flour (first mixed with water).The sauce should be thick and creamy. Bring to boil and season to taste with salt and sugar. Bring a pot of water to boil, blanch bean sprouts. briefly boiled the noodles. To serve, place noodles and bean sprouts in a bowl and pour sauce over. Add fried tofu, eggs, fried shallots, fried baby shrimp and squeeze lime over. Green chilis and dark soya sauce are optional. Note: Beef maybe ommitted, fresh prawn maybe replaced with dried prawns. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: wennyteo 來自: (04/27 13:09)

04/27 13:37, , 1F
04/27 13:37, 1F

04/27 14:23, , 2F
感謝~等下來去買食材 XDDD
04/27 14:23, 2F

04/27 15:11, , 3F
04/27 15:11, 3F

04/28 01:56, , 4F
2樓是交大的前輩還是後輩? 需要白老鼠我24小時服務!!
04/28 01:56, 4F
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