Wedgwood 兩房轉租 2/1- 7/31
因工作關係,我和另一半需要提早搬離現在住的房子,房子為2,000 sq ft 4B 3.5B 兩層
地區:房子位於幽靜的Wedgwood neighborhood, 走路5分鐘到Rite Aid, 10分鐘可達Matt
hews Beach Park,15分鐘到Safeway,附近多為家庭,適合喜歡郊區生活的人。
交通:走路5分鐘可到64和65號公車站牌-- 65可直達UW校園內, Children’s Hospital,
UW Medical Center, U District; 64上下班時間可直達SLU和Downtown
價錢:每個房間 $950/ 月+水電wifi
租期: 2/1-7/31 (可議)
房間一:在一樓,套房附衛浴,木地板,雙衣櫃(walk-in closet),浴室裡有壁櫥
房間二:二樓,地毯,雙水槽的衛浴在房外但會由你獨自使用,walk-in closet, 浴室裡
廚房與客廳和室友共用,房子有washer and dryer,房東把Basement (分開入口)另外租
室友是一對情侶,一位是護理師,另一位是華大碩士生,隨和好相處, 作息規律, 其中一
位會講中文, 他們有養一隻很可愛,腳像穿了襪子的貓,但貓有點害羞,可能要好幾個月
[Subletting two bedrooms in Wedgwood]
My partner and I are looking for two people to take over the lease fo our two
bedrooms in a 2,000 sq ft, 4 BR/ 3.5 B House.
Date: 2/1- 7/31 (negotiable)
Rent: $950/ mo. for each room+ utilities and wifi
Rooms (unfurnished):
- Bedroom one is located on the first floor with en-suite bathroom. It’s got
hard wood floor, two walk-in closets, and built-in shelves in the bathroom.
- Bedroom two is located on the second floor with carpeted floor. It also has
a walk-in closet. The bathroom for this room is outside of the room, but you w
ould be the only person using it. There are also built-in shelves in the bathr
oom for extra storage.
Shared with roommate: kitchen, dining/ living room, guest bathroom, washer, dr
yer, and backyard.
You will be sharing the house with a couple— one of them is a nurse and the o
ther one is a grad student at UW. They are very easy-going. They also have a c
at with paws that look like they’ve got socks on. She is quite shy and might
need a few weeks before she lets you approach her.
The landlord rented out the basement as a separate unit. The tenants in the ba
sement have a separate entrance.
The house is located in the quiet Wedgwood neighborhood. It’s a five minute w
alk to the bus stop for Routes 65 and 64. 65 takes you straight into UW campus
and passes by Children’s hospital, UW Medical Center, and U District. Route
64 takes you to SLU and downtown during morning and evening commute hours. The
house five minute walk away from a Rite Aid, 10 minute from Matthew’s Beach,
and 15 minute from Safeway.
Please feel free to send me a message for more info!
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※ 編輯: hebert ( 美國), 12/14/2022 16:44:41
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