[問題] 在台灣工作的新加坡學歷證明問題已刪文

看板Singapore (新加坡)作者 (我練功發自真心)時間9月前 (2023/07/06 10:22), 9月前編輯推噓2(204)
留言6則, 1人參與, 9月前最新討論串1/1
如題 我朋友目前在台灣公家機關工作,之前是在新加坡念書所以應徵時是使用國外學歷 現在碰到一個問題是,單位那邊需要有學歷證明,認證新加坡的學歷 詢問過駐新加坡台北代表處跟網路上搜尋資訊後 必須要本人或請人代辦跑一趟代表處拿著畢業證書跟護照等資訊去認證學歷,不接受郵寄 但後來代表處回覆,由於畢業於新加坡的大學是私立的,因此還需要有另一個程序 必須請該大學寄一封認證信給本人,認證該人是畢業於該大學的學生 再將該認證信、畢業證書、護照跑一趟代表處才能完成認證學歷 (代表處會認證這封"認證信",並向該大學查詢是否真有此人畢業於此) 本來想說到這裡已經非常麻煩了,新加坡沒有人可以處理就變成為了一個學歷認證要親跑 一趟新加坡 結果寫信給該大學後,對方回覆居然還要通過一個叫PDPC的複審才能寄出認證信?? 以下是信件內容 Dear XXXXX, This is Sue attending to your request. Before we assist you with your request, we would like to verify your identity. Kindly furnish us with a copy of your passport or identity card for verification. Please note that we can only provide you with personal data that is in our possession or under our control. Access to personal data may be refused in several circumstances such as requests which would impose an unreasonable burden in terms of expense; Personal data that relates to anticipated legal proceedings; or the request for access that is frivolous or vexatious. If we deny or restrict your access, we will do so in writing including the reasons for the denial. You may seek a review of our decision by submitting a review application to PDPC. We will preserve a copy of the withheld personal data for a period of at least 30 calendar days after rejecting your access request. If PDPC determines that it will take up your review application, as soon we receive a Notice of Review Application from the PDPC, we will preserve the withheld personal data until the review by PDPC is concluded and any right you must apply for reconsideration and appeal is exhausted. An Administration Fee may be charged for the handling and processing of your request to access your personal data. If so, we will inform you of the fee beforehand. If an administration fee is required, payment will be made payable to “Raffles College of Higher Education Pte Ltd”. We will process the request only upon receipt of cleared funds. Thank you Best Regards, Sue KAUR ( Ms ) 怎麼會感覺沒完沒了啊? 這邊想請問有關這個PDPC又是要怎麼去申請或經過複審? 還有新加坡學歷認證都是需要本人親跑一趟或是找人代辦的嗎? 沒有第三種選擇? 謝謝 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Singapore/M.1688610148.A.064.html ※ 編輯: hushiang ( 臺灣), 07/06/2023 10:32:25

07/06 17:03, 9月前 , 1F
07/06 17:03, 1F
因為朋友他工作14年了,這是第4家公司,前面3間公司都沒這個問題 可能這次換到公家機關才這樣...

07/06 17:04, 9月前 , 2F
07/06 17:04, 2F

07/06 17:04, 9月前 , 3F
07/06 17:04, 3F
※ 編輯: hushiang ( 臺灣), 07/06/2023 21:29:58

07/07 22:55, 9月前 , 4F
公家機關或是要參加國家考試, 這些學歷認證是必要的 不是只針
07/07 22:55, 4F

07/07 22:56, 9月前 , 5F
對你朋友拉~ 所以其實最保險的做法就是我前面說的 畢業打包回
07/07 22:56, 5F

07/07 22:57, 9月前 , 6F
07/07 22:57, 6F
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