Re: [請益] 托福口說求救

看板TOEFL_iBT (TOEFL_iBT托福)作者 ( 醉拳甘Mydick)時間7年前 (2016/06/29 04:05), 7年前編輯推噓5(5042)
留言47則, 4人參與, 最新討論串3/3 (看更多)
※ 引述《a159ab159 (餅乾 )》之銘言: : 各位大大好! : 想請教口說的一些問題 : 1.考試的時候感覺主要的內容都有講到,也盡量不要停,也沒有說想不到要說什麼, : 可是出來的分數卻還是只有17~18分 : 2. 目前也有找人一起練習,但雙方口說分數好像沒有太大的差異(會不會是兩個人程度都不 : 好的關係?) : 3. 想知道怎樣的標準可以達到20分以上 : 20分以上口說聽起來要符合哪些標準、該怎麼加強,那些點需要注意 : 非常感謝各位大大寶貴的意見 本魯小小鄉民, 發個純粹幫忙無廣告訊息文 & 先感謝專家老師們指教,會努力再學習改進 用文字描述口說答案/標準, 我的才華有限(真的不會上色,) 謹貼兩個示範音檔: Task1 What will you do when you have a lot of assingments to do? Task1 Your friend is about to drop out from school; what is your advice? 小分析 1.如果幾次都未達20分, 我推測可能是: (1) 以中文發聲方式來講英文, 阿逗仔考官不容易理解。 解決方案 Rachel's English: 這位YoutTube上有名的老師, 擅長用剖面圖和手指來示意各發聲器官的相對位置。 認真看下來, 你會發現英文跟中文發聲方式差得很遠, 萬萬不能用明朝的劍去斬清朝的官 (2) 說話重音和節奏是母語國台語的習慣, 阿逗仔考官抓不到一句話該有的重音 (例如:動詞加重/ 重點名詞加重等)這個很難克服, 版上示範得很好的老師是SK2的David, 他分享的Dropbox音檔重音都很正確明晰, 是TOEFL入門學生極有價值的參考範例。 (3) 另外也可以參考 Notefull Toefl 著名的教學影片, Joseph老師說話慢慢穩穩的, 眾多YouTube示範影片中最好模仿(風險就是模板太多人用) 發聲跟重音非強項的人最好不要卯起來講快, 旁人聽錄音不知道在公沙小多半是太快了orz 在上面幾樓我還有一篇講句子意思關聯性的文 &示範音檔, 風向被帶歪了(?) 在這裡撈起來也供參考 我回答的時候會努力做到上面提的標準, 標準(3)我平常語速偏快做得也不盡完善, 希望有幫到點忙, 裨益版上一樣在跟口說奮戰的鄉民。 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: Mydick (, 06/29/2016 04:07:28

06/29 09:26, , 1F
06/29 09:26, 1F

06/29 10:25, , 2F
06/29 10:25, 2F

06/29 11:42, , 3F
因應 lasaman 的要求(「若有逐字稿更好」),我幫各位原
06/29 11:42, 3F

06/29 11:42, , 4F
樣聽寫 M 大口說 response 的逐字稿-
06/29 11:42, 4F

06/29 11:43, , 5F
Task 1: What will you do when you have a lot of
06/29 11:43, 5F

06/29 11:43, , 6F
assignments to do?
06/29 11:43, 6F

06/29 11:44, , 7F
My answer: When I have a lot of assignments to do,
06/29 11:44, 7F

06/29 11:44, , 8F
the first action I usually take is to prioritize my
06/29 11:44, 8F

06/29 11:45, , 9F
tasks. By "prioritizing," I mean I'd determine what's
06/29 11:45, 9F

06/29 11:46, , 10F
urgent and what to put on the back burner. For
06/29 11:46, 10F

06/29 11:47, , 11F
example, I'll surely start with those projects as is
06/29 11:47, 11F

06/29 11:48, , 12F
they're about to due, and let these take up my time
06/29 11:48, 12F

06/29 11:49, , 13F
first. Secondly, I'll try to stay alone before I feel
06/29 11:49, 13F

06/29 11:50, , 14F
like I'm done with the pressure. This not only helps
06/29 11:50, 14F

06/29 11:51, , 15F
me put responsibility over social life, but also
06/29 11:51, 15F

06/29 11:52, , 16F
helps me focus. An example could be like signing out
06/29 11:52, 16F

06/29 11:53, , 17F
from all social media such as the Twitter or the
06/29 11:53, 17F

06/29 11:54, , 18F
Facebook, or that all calls on my phone turned into
06/29 11:54, 18F

06/29 11:54, , 19F
the voicemail. That way, I have a better chance to
06/29 11:54, 19F

06/29 11:56, , 20F
focus and finish the assignment on time.
06/29 11:56, 20F

06/29 11:58, , 21F
Task 1, the question: Your friend is considering
06/29 11:58, 21F

06/29 11:59, , 22F
dropping out from school-what is your advice?
06/29 11:59, 22F

06/29 12:00, , 23F
My answer: I'll say, "Go ahead!" But by telling he or
06/29 12:00, 23F

06/29 12:01, , 24F
she to do such a thing, I mean a heart knows what a
06/29 12:01, 24F

06/29 12:02, , 25F
heart wants, right? So we gotta stay loyal to our
06/29 12:02, 25F

06/29 12:03, , 26F
true feelings. If dropping out is what feels right
06/29 12:03, 26F

06/29 12:05, , 27F
just at this moment, just do it. Hit the pause
06/29 12:05, 27F

06/29 12:05, , 28F
button, and reconsider the pathway to the future.
06/29 12:05, 28F

06/29 12:06, , 29F
Some American college students or graduates take a
06/29 12:06, 29F

06/29 12:06, , 30F
gap year as a way to figure out what's next, so why
06/29 12:06, 30F

06/29 12:07, , 31F
not? But I'll still consider and warn this friend of
06/29 12:07, 31F

06/29 12:08, , 32F
mine that he or she should take full responsibility
06/29 12:08, 32F

06/29 12:08, , 33F
for this important decision. For example, if this is
06/29 12:08, 33F

06/29 12:09, , 34F
gonna disappoint the parents or friends, face it. And
06/29 12:09, 34F

06/29 12:10, , 35F
if this means the beginning of adult life, he or she
06/29 12:10, 35F

06/29 12:10, , 36F
has to manage to find a job and be independent
06/29 12:10, 36F

06/29 12:11, , 37F
financially and all.
06/29 12:11, 37F

06/29 12:49, , 38F
以上僅忠實還原;文法、句構是否要精修就交給 M 大決定,
06/29 12:49, 38F

06/29 12:50, , 39F
我只明確指出一點:due 沒有動詞用法,所以 "about to
06/29 12:50, 39F

06/29 12:51, , 40F
due" 是不對的。M 大的回應內容很切題,值得各位學習-亮
06/29 12:51, 40F

06/29 12:52, , 41F
點很多,好比 put sth on the back burner 這個慣用語就
06/29 12:52, 41F

06/29 12:53, , 42F
用得很精準、漂亮;"a heart knows what a heart wants"
06/29 12:53, 42F

06/29 12:54, , 43F
是很有趣的表達法,令人想起 Selena Gomez 的歌 "The
06/29 12:54, 43F

06/29 12:54, , 44F
Heart Wants What It Wants"。Rachel 的頻道確實不錯-她
06/29 12:54, 44F

06/29 12:55, , 45F
和英國的 Minoo 一起錄製的「美式 vs. 英式發音」影片蠻
06/29 12:55, 45F

06/29 12:56, , 46F
06/29 12:56, 46F

07/04 07:22, , 47F
07/04 07:22, 47F
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