[北美] 綠卡第二階段已刪文
我老婆是H1b 而我是J1, 以我老婆H1b去申請綠卡.我們已經拿到第一階段收據,
可是遇到一個問題... 因為我下個月就要換單位但學校還是一樣.
我的DS-2019是現在這個單位的, 而第二階段送出去的文件也是這個.
但我下個月換單位(還在原學校). 我問了我們學校的international office
Your new department will need to provide J-1 request documents before we can
authorize the transfer. In addition to these documents, IM must provide an
offer of employment to you. Your DS-2019 may be updated to reflect any
updates as a result of this change. An extension cannot be applied since your
current DS-2019 has been already been issued for the maximum 5 years in the
J-1 Research Scholar category. Unless your new department requests to sponsor
you for less than the remaining duration of your DS-2019, your DS-2019
program end date will remain 09/02/2024.
請問我該怎麼做比較好? 要重新送出第二階段嗎(可是我今天才剛寄出去 也拿不回來)
開封有個~包莖舔 鐵面吾吃,被中姦 登了登了 登登登(音效
推 godispower:江湖豪傑,來家住 王朝和馬漢在輪姦~~登了登了登登登
推 lase:鑽洞鼠 抽事後煙 登了登了登登登
→ peopleselbow:撤地鼠 是個癡漢 推 XYZdragon:金毛鼠 一生癡漢 登了登了登登登
推 beLIEve:穿山鼠嗚嗚 舔奶油犬 推 pp6372:這五鼠 一起進來
推 goodtour:翻江鼠 吼別郎幹 推 newsph:吃洨和吾液 流傳在民間
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/VISA/M.1626300945.A.BEF.html
※ 編輯: GanLinBa ( 美國), 07/15/2021 06:19:07
07/15 06:56,
, 1F
07/15 06:56, 1F
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