[情報] IHG match status (platinum)

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (Cote rocks!)時間11年前 (2013/04/25 18:03), 編輯推噓3(305)
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我用Hilton Gold + Accor Platinum + SLH Loved去match IHG 一開始就是附上screenshot,但我覺得自己shot的蠻完整的 還是收到跟之前板友一樣的回信 Thank you for contacting Priority Club Rewards regarding your account. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. Please send us the most recent statement from Hilton or Accor. This statement is usually being sent as postal mail or to your email address. Screenshots of your online account is not applicable for status upgrade. Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us as we value your patronage. Should you require further assistance, please feel free to contact the Priority Club Service Center again. 所以我就把print screen那個網頁 print to pdf 把Hilton和Accor兩個PDF回信 就match到Platinum 馬上就收到 Thank you for your reply. Your information was received today regarding your elite status with Hilton Honors. We have upgraded your status to Platinum with Priority Club Rewards. This status will remain in effect through the end of 2013. To continue with this status for 2014, you must meet the minimum requirements of Platinum status by December 31st of 2013. You may click http://www.ihg.com/priorityclub/hotels/us/en/global/offers/ membership_levels/benefits?cm_sp=IMMerch-PC2_US_en-SUBNAV_Explore_ MembershipLevels to review the elite statuses with Priority Club Rewards. Once again, thank you for taking the time to contact us as we value your patronage. Should you require urther assistance, please feel free to contact the Priority Club Service Center again. 不得不說 他們客服的速度真的有夠快的! 整個過程不超過一小時... ps我全部都是白板帳戶 只有club carlson我有住宿記錄而已,沒拿來用因為也很寒酸QQ -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/25 18:54, , 1F
04/25 18:54, 1F

04/25 20:19, , 2F
IHG的match不知有沒有限次數? 像SPG跟hyatt的挑戰好像都是
04/25 20:19, 2F

04/25 20:21, , 3F
一生只能一次? 若沒限就只要保任一家的就可以一直match了!?
04/25 20:21, 3F

04/25 20:38, , 4F
恭喜恭喜~我怎麼做成PDF之後 回信三天還沒有音訊 @@
04/25 20:38, 4F

04/25 20:39, , 5F
請問是用哪個MAIL呢? 我是用 PriorityClubAPAC@ihg.com
04/25 20:39, 5F

04/25 23:00, , 6F
priorityclub@ihg.com 不過他下面簽名檔也是APAC那個
04/25 23:00, 6F

04/25 23:00, , 7F
04/25 23:00, 7F

04/25 23:02, , 8F
我是沒差,暑假會去長住大概三個星期 應該還是會有個gold吧
04/25 23:02, 8F
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