[情報] SPG 雙倍積分+US50%里程可能得1500里+

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (Go! Illini!)時間11年前 (2013/05/21 20:28), 編輯推噓1(100)
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US Airways 的 2013/07/31 前住宿或租車獎勵里程 50% 我想很多人應該都有收到, 但是覺得獎勵太少了吧. 因為用在 Hilton 假設是 Hilton Points and Fixed Miles 只會得 500+250 Miles. 但是如果搭配 SPG 雙倍+手機500點, 設定 DD 直接轉入 US Airways 帳戶 假設入住者是金卡, 透過手機預定房價 US $100 (中和福朋?!) 這樣會得 500 + 100*2*2 + 100 (gold bonus) = 1000 SPG points 轉入 US Airways 得 1000*1.5 = 1500 Miles! 除此之外,如果你很久沒有住 SPG, 有收到 3000+ 分的專屬促銷的話, 那可能會得更多點數喔! 唯一可能有問題的地方在於 SPG 給積分不是一次給全, 而是分多次給分 所以轉入積分到 US Airways 可能不一定每次交易都有 50%?! 這點就要請最近有要入住 SPG 的版友人身實驗了! (板大要去人身實驗 Sheraton JFK 嗎?) SPG Direct Deposit 設定請透過下面連結設定 https://www.spgpromos.com/moremiles/ 取消 DD 必須寫信或致電客服取消 Direct Deposit 相關促銷條文: SPG: 雙倍 Starpoints 積分,雙重歡樂享受。手機預訂更有額外獎勵。 https://www.spgpromos.com/doubletake/?language=zh_cn&IM= Q22013DBLE_CHI_SPG_HP http://tinyurl.com/l2w3orj 不參加活動的飯店: https://www.spgpromos.com/doubletake/index.cfm?action=terms.nonparticipating 台灣不參加的有 Le Méridien Taipei, Sheraton Hsinchu Hotel Zhubei, W Taipei 雙倍積分換來雙重快樂,即刻註冊參與吧。首先,您於 2013 年 5 月 1 日至 7 月 31 日期間在全球 1,000 多家參與活動的喜達屋酒店與度假酒店完成的所有符合條件的入住 均可獲得雙倍 Starpoints® 積分。 除此之外,您只要通過 spg.com/cn 手機網站、SPG® 俱樂部 iPhone 應用程序或 SPG 俱樂部安卓應用程序每完成一個符合條件的預訂,即可獲得 500 點 Starpoints 獎勵積 分 —— 此禮遇適用於所有 1,100 家參與 SPG 俱樂部計劃的酒店與度假酒店。馬上行動 ,歡享雙倍積分,收穫快樂加倍。 通過雙倍 Starpoints 積分活動我可以獲得多少積分? 所謂雙倍 Starpoints 積分,即是指會員每 1 美元符合條件的消費總共將獲得 4 點 Starpoints 積分。精英會員額外獲得的 Starpoints 積分及其他獎勵積分不可翻倍。僅 限每一美元消費所獲得的兩點 Starpoints 基礎積分可翻倍。促銷期間可無上限獲得 Starpoints 獎勵積分。 US Airways: Get a 50% bonus for every hotel stay and car rental http://shopping.usairways.com/promotion/dividendmiles/ registration.aspx?PromoCode=HC13&cint=b_emm_bot_728x90_21144 http://tinyurl.com/l4qtoqu Plotting a summer vacation? On the road for business? No matter if your trips this summer are for business or pleasure, you can earn more miles for them. Get a 50% bonus for every hotel stay and every car rental through July 31, 2013.* All you have to do is register and give your Dividend Miles number when you make a reservation. With all your extra miles, you can start planning your next getaway. Terms & conditions: Eligibility: Registration required. Offer void where prohibited by law. Only miles earned after registration and between May 1, 2013 and July 31, 2013 are eligible (『 Eligible Activity Date'). Bonus miles do not count towards Dividend Miles Preferred status. Earning bonus miles: All Dividend Miles hotel and car rental partners are included in this promotion (『Qualifying Partners'). Registered Dividend Miles members will earn a 50% bonus on all Dividend Miles earned directly from partners for hotels stays and car rentals (『Qualifying Activity'). Please note: Hotel point conversions will not count toward a 50% bonus. In order to earn bonus miles you must request Dividend Miles from the partner when making your reservation, checking in or when requesting your points transfer. Bonus miles will post weekly beginning on May 7, 2013. Eligible activity date: Eligible Activity Date is based on the date the Qualifying Partner records the mileage transaction, and not necessarily the date on which the transaction occurred. US Airways assumes no responsibility for how qualifying partners record Eligible Activity Dates. The last date that activity from a qualifying partner can be received by US Airways for bonus miles consideration is October 30, 2013. General terms: All Dividend Miles Terms and Conditions apply. You must be subscribed to US Airways e-Statement and Earn More Miles emails in order to register for this promotion. If you are not currently subscribed, we will automatically subscribe you using the email address you provide when registering. You may opt out of US Airways emails at any time. US Airways is not responsible for the quality or delivery of goods and/or services provided by Dividend Miles partners. All Dividend Miles partner terms and conditions apply. Partner offers are subject to change without notice. Hotel points transfers are subject to terms and conditions as stipulated in your agreement with your hotel program. ※ 編輯: illini 來自: (05/21 20:54)

05/22 02:10, , 1F
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05/22 02:10, 1F
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