[情報] JAL 追加17架MAX8訂單

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threads 演算法讓我看到的訊息 日航追加17架MAX訂單 日航新聞稿在這裡 https://pse.is/7b4tla Japan Airlines to Introduce 17 Additional Boeing 737-8 Aircraft - Supporting Growth with the Introduction of Approximately 90 New Aircraft - Tokyo, JAPAN – Japan Airlines (JAL) has announced the decision to introduce 17 additional Boeing 737-8 aircraft from The Boeing Company (Boeing). This follows JAL’s March 2023 announcement of an order for 21 Boeing 737-8 aircraft (*1), wh ich will replace the single-aisle Boeing 737-800 aircraft currently serving main ly on domestic routes. In addition to the Boeing 737-8 aircraft added to the domestic fleet, 11 Airbus A321neo aircraft will be introduced to replace the Boeing 767 aircraft, primaril y on routes to and from Haneda. Renewing the fleet in line with supply and deman d will further enhance profitability. (*1) Press Release March 23, 2023: Japan Airlines Selects 737-8 to Grow Sustain able World-Class Fleet In the international market, JAL plans to introduce 10 Boeing 787-9 aircraft (*2 ) and 20 Airbus A350-900 aircraft (*3), with ZIPAIR also introducing Boeing 787- 9 aircraft by reassigning aircraft from JAL. By fiscal year 2030, the scale of t he international business is expected to expand by approximately 1.5 times compa red to fiscal year 2023, including growth in both full-service carriers and LCCs . The business will particularly expand by increasing the number of flights, esp ecially on North American and Asian routes, which are expected to see significan t growth in the future, and by increasing the number of seats offered through la rger aircraft, thus improving service quality and convenience. (*2) Press Release July 23, 2024: Japan Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for A dditional Boeing 787-9 Aircraft (*3) Press Release July 23, 2024: Japan Airlines Signs Purchase Agreement for A irbus A350-900 and A321neo Aircraft (*4) Press Release March 19, 2025: ZIPAIR to Double its Fleet Size by Adding the Boeing 787-9 Aircraft Including the newly introduced Boeing 737-8 aircraft, the JAL Group will have a total of approximately 90 aircraft in its fleet and is preparing for the introdu ction of new aircraft with a flexible fleet plan. This plan aims to ensure growt h by placing aircraft orders early in anticipation of growth beyond 2030. By accelerating the introduction of state-of-the-art aircraft, JAL strives to si gnificantly enhance the quality of service provided to customers. Additionally, by upgrading to more fuel-efficient aircraft, the company is committed to furthe r reducing CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to a more sustainable future. 【Breakdown of Confirmed Aircraft Order】 目前日航的訂購機型如下 交付機型/數量/開始交貨時間 737MAX8 /37/2026起 國內線 A321neo/11/2028起 國內線 787-9/10/2028起 國際線 A350-900/3/陸續交貨 國內線 A350-900/20/2027 國際線 A350-1000/5/陸續交貨 國際線 另有A350 25架選擇權 787 20架選擇權 個人猜測A35K羽田飛歐美 A359成田飛歐美 不包含夏威夷 國際線A359交付之後77W就會退役 對於長期持有738機隊的航空公司來說 MAX8似乎還是最好的選擇 看來日航有些789準備交付給ZIPAIR 了 倒是日航在低成本航空的策略上 另兩家似乎沒有太大的發展策略 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1742380320.A.295.html

03/19 18:45, 6小時前 , 1F
03/19 18:45, 1F

03/19 18:47, 6小時前 , 2F
感謝分享 不過最後兩句看不太懂...ANA不是有樂桃跟AirJapa
03/19 18:47, 2F

03/19 18:47, 6小時前 , 3F
n 了?
03/19 18:47, 3F
因為日本春秋航空、捷星日本航空幾乎都沒有拓展新航線 反倒是ZIPAIR 好像要增班了 感覺日航對另外兩家LCC屬於半放生狀態

03/19 18:57, 5小時前 , 4F
日航低成本御三家 ZIPAIR 春秋日本 捷星日本
03/19 18:57, 4F

03/19 18:59, 5小時前 , 5F
罔顧乘客安全 抗議
03/19 18:59, 5F

03/19 19:19, 5小時前 , 6F
03/19 19:19, 6F

03/19 19:36, 5小時前 , 7F
我坐過 A320 飛蒙特婁到倫敦的,超痛苦。另外,美西飛美
03/19 19:36, 7F

03/19 19:36, 5小時前 , 8F
03/19 19:36, 8F

03/19 19:51, 5小時前 , 9F
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03/19 20:00, 4小時前 , 10F
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03/19 20:01, 4小時前 , 11F
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03/19 20:10, 4小時前 , 12F
03/19 20:10, 12F
感覺是川普在施壓 再來死對頭增購的機種都是窄體機 日本的航空業就是這樣 你要買A321 那我也買A321 你要買737 那我也買737跟你拚 你要買A350 那我用更大的77X 再者死對頭直接嗆要把日航幹掉 日航不積極一點怎麼行 ※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 20:27:49

03/19 20:27, 4小時前 , 13F
03/19 20:27, 13F
※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 20:32:09

03/19 20:40, 4小時前 , 14F
日航789反魚骨很好坐耶 這麼快就要給旗下廉航了喔
03/19 20:40, 14F
日航還有787 20架選擇權 10架訂單是給日航的 動用選擇權給ZIPAIR ※ 編輯: abian746 ( 臺灣), 03/19/2025 21:00:49

03/19 21:32, 3小時前 , 15F
03/19 21:32, 15F

03/19 21:47, 3小時前 , 16F
03/19 21:47, 16F

03/19 21:47, 3小時前 , 17F
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03/19 21:53, 2小時前 , 18F
03/19 21:53, 18F

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03/19 22:26, 2小時前 , 23F
03/19 22:26, 23F
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文章代碼(AID): #1dsfqWAL (Aviation)