Re: Boston是個好地方!

看板Boston (波士頓)作者 (Limbo@MIT)時間20年前 (2004/04/27 08:54), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《toppest (高點)》之銘言: : 希望明年秋天有機會過去念書囉:) : (換個風格的搶頭po文章:D) : → enigma802:哈~紐約客想來波士頓,我卻想往紐約跑 :p 推 04/26 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can't agree with you more! Compared to NYC, the only CITY, Boston is like a toy town. It's too clean, too friendly, and too good to be true. I'll elbow my way to Manhattan after MIT. -- MIT is great, but New York is my home. ~ from a NewYorker in People's Republic of Cambridge -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參( ◆ From:
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