[分享] A film character 電影人物

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《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享—A film character 電影人物 ■ Part 2 Cue Card Describe a film character played by an actor or actress whom you admire. You should say:  who this actor/actress is  when you watched the film  what the character was like in this film and explain why you admire this actor/actress. 【參考答案】 https://bit.ly/3zfB81D ------------------------------------------------------------ 《IELTS雅思真經共學社》 ● 最新考情 每日分享 ● https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsshareandlearn/ ------------------------------------------------------------ 【當季雅思口說真題】https://bit.ly/4eCSEgA (Part 1—Noise 噪音) ■ https://bit.ly/3xkQIZn (Part 3—An unusual meal 特別的一餐) ■ https://bit.ly/3VBeB6Q (Part 2—A difficult task 困難的任務) ■ https://bit.ly/3KYUxqi (Part 1—Newspapers 報紙) ■ https://bit.ly/3XCQMOG (Part 3—Outdoor activity 戶外活動) ■ https://bit.ly/3VEZE3C (Part 2—An influential development 具影響力的開發案) ■ https://bit.ly/3zdq5pE (Part 1—New Year 新年) ■ https://bit.ly/3VBIGDl (Part 3—Favourite clothes 最喜愛的服裝) ■ https://bit.ly/3VEZE3C (Part 2—A daily routine that you enjoy 喜愛的日常活動) ■ https://bit.ly/4eCtqyQ (Part 1—Musical Instruments 樂器) ■ https://bit.ly/3xvpWgI (Part 3—An interesting place 與朋友同往的有趣地方) ■ https://bit.ly/3zhtTpZ (Part 2—A complaint you made 投訴) ■ https://bit.ly/3KYakp4 (Part 1—New Activities 新活動) 《口說真經全詳解》助攻輕取 雅思口說 7+ ------------------------------------------------------------ 【經典美語】 (LINE) https://bit.ly/4bmXJXb (官網) https://bit.ly/3RFLazf (電話) 02-2388-6882 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1719476745.A.F14.html
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