[分享] 人際關係

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※ 全網最完整的口說真題解答 ※ 《雅思口說當季真經全詳解》分享—Part 3—人際關係 ■ Part 3 How do you get along with your neighbors? 你如何與鄰居相處? How do neighbors help each other? 鄰居之間如何互相幫助? Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others? How? 你認為父母應該教孩子如何與他人合作嗎?怎麼教? Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in the city? 你認為農村的鄰里之間相互幫助的次數比城市多嗎? 【參考答案】 https://bit.ly/4eZ0AZA ------------------------------------------------------------ 《IELTS雅思真經共學社》 ● 最新考情 每日分享 ● https://www.facebook.com/groups/ieltsshareandlearn/ ------------------------------------------------------------ 【當季雅思口說真題】https://bit.ly/4cVkTFt (Part 2—A foreigner speaking your native language very well 精通你母語的外國人) ■ https://bit.ly/4cSCCgE (Part 1—Old Buildings 老建築) ■ https://bit.ly/4byB36r (Part 3—Making a good decision 明智的決定) ■ https://bit.ly/4f4Dr8e (Part 2—A film that impressed you 難忘的電影) ■ https://bit.ly/3YcNBh9 (Part 1—Numbers 數字) ■ https://bit.ly/4cBYM6X (Part 3—Role model 榜樣典範) ■ https://bit.ly/3zfB81D (Part 2—A film character 電影人物) ■ https://bit.ly/4eCSEgA (Part 1—Noise 噪音) ■ https://bit.ly/3xkQIZn (Part 3—An unusual meal 特別的一餐) ■ https://bit.ly/3VBeB6Q (Part 2—A difficult task 困難的任務) ■ https://bit.ly/3KYUxqi (Part 1—Newspapers 報紙) ■ https://bit.ly/3XCQMOG (Part 3—Outdoor activity 戶外活動) ■ https://bit.ly/3VEZE3C (Part 2—An influential development 具影響力的開發案) ■ https://bit.ly/3zdq5pE (Part 1—New Year 新年) ■ https://bit.ly/3VBIGDl (Part 3—Favourite clothes 最喜愛的服裝) 《口說真經全詳解》助攻輕取 雅思口說 7+ ------------------------------------------------------------ 【經典美語】 (LINE) https://bit.ly/4bmXJXb (官網) https://bit.ly/3RFLazf (電話) 02-2388-6882 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/IELTS/M.1720879369.A.ADF.html
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