[問題] 請教依親移民 (F1) 跟結婚相關問題

看板Immigration (移民事務)作者 (小信)時間14年前 (2011/01/23 01:14), 編輯推噓1(1021)
留言22則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/1
不好意思, 想來請教一下有經驗的人, 我父母在2000年移民美國, 現在已是公民身份, 在 2005年的時候, 有幫我們在台灣的這些孩子申請依親, 在去年2010年的時候, 已經繳交70 美元AOS(affidavit of support)費用,及在美保證人文件(I-864)與400美元 IV(Immigartion Visa)費用, 大約在2010年的12月收到下方的英文信件 以我大概的瞭解, 好像是告知申請人 (我父母) 說已在審理程序, 然後會請AIT安排與我 面談, 而其它動作就等他們通知, 想請教的事, 我目前單身, 具F1的資格, 但有對象, 若 有打算跟她在美國生活, 以下幾個選擇... 1. 在台灣先結婚登記, 然後補送件 (請問這會影響整個申請嗎? 會不會我轉換身份, 又 變成F2?) 2. 等到面談過後, 如果真的要到美生活, 再跟她在美結婚幫她辦? (綠卡申請配偶似乎會 很久? 會擔心她有沒有辦法合法居留) 3. 或是有其它比較完善的作法? 我不年輕了, 但是因為父母都該退休了, 其實某個程度是希望在美國有人可以照顧他們, 請問以上幾個選項哪個比較恰當? 或是有其它比較好的方式, 謝謝! (以下是原文的書信) Dear Sir/Madam: Your inquiry has been received at the National Visa Center (NVC). The applicant's name has been placed on the list of documentarily qualified cases awaiting the availability of visa numbers under the numerical limitations prescribed by statute. The designated representative of this case (applicant, petitioner, or attorney) will be notified of an appointment date as soon as the numbers have been received. The applicant should NOT make any travel arrangements, sell property, or give up employment until the US Embassy or Consulate General has issued a visa. An immigrant visa is usually valid for six months from the date it is issued. It may be used to apply for admission into the United States any time during its validity. Case Number: TAI2009xxxxxx (<-這邊xxx是數字) Beneficiary's Name: xxxxxxxxx (<-這是我的英文拼音) Preference Category: F1 Your Priority Date: 23Sep2005 Foreign State Chargeability: TAIWAN U.S. Embassy/Consulate: AMERICAN INSTITUTE IN TAIWAN #7 LANE 134, HSIN YI ROAD SECTION 3, TAIPEI TAIWAN Sincerely, Belle National Visa Center Written Inquiry Unit Serco Inc., Support Contractor NVCInquiry@state.gov This email is Sensitive but Unclassified based on the definitions provided in 12 FAM 540. Any information in this transmission pertaining to the issuance or refusal of visas or permits to enter the United States shall be considered confidential under Section 222(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) [8 US C. Section 1202]. Access to and use of such information must be solely for the formulation, amendment, administration, or enforcement of the immigration, nationality, and other laws of the United States under INA 222(f) and as specified in FAM guidance. If you have received such information in error, do not review, retransmit, disclose, disseminate, use, or take any action in reliance upon this information, and contact the sender as soon as possible. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

01/23 01:31, , 1F
1. 會變成 F3 (目前是處理到 01JAN01 )
01/23 01:31, 1F

01/23 01:32, , 2F
2. 綠卡...很久? -> Yes.
01/23 01:32, 2F

01/23 01:35, , 3F
這情況是 F2A(目前是處理到 01JAN08)
01/23 01:35, 3F

01/23 12:21, , 4F
所以想請教的是, 如果希望她的身份可以比較快的方式, 是
01/23 12:21, 4F

01/23 12:22, , 5F
等我取得綠卡, 再於美國結婚, 再幫她申請, 抑或是在台灣
01/23 12:22, 5F

01/23 12:22, , 6F
就先辦? 謝謝
01/23 12:22, 6F

01/23 17:09, , 7F
01/23 17:09, 7F

01/23 17:10, , 8F
01/23 17:10, 8F

01/23 17:11, , 9F
01/23 17:11, 9F

01/23 17:12, , 10F
01/23 17:12, 10F

01/23 17:13, , 11F
01/23 17:13, 11F

01/23 17:13, , 12F
01/23 17:13, 12F

01/23 18:49, , 13F
cchris大, 的確是你講的那樣, 我之前有爬了不少文, 大概
01/23 18:49, 13F

01/23 18:50, , 14F
知道會是這樣的結果, 所以可能就是另一半當黑人, 我再幫
01/23 18:50, 14F

01/23 18:51, , 15F
她漂白, 或者有聽過一個說法, 就是配偶幾個月後可以有身
01/23 18:51, 15F

01/23 18:51, , 16F
分, 不知道是不是針對公民配偶, 還是綠卡持有人的配偶也
01/23 18:51, 16F

01/23 18:51, , 17F
01/23 18:51, 17F

01/24 14:58, , 18F
公民配偶才行; 配偶當黑人很可憐,不鼓勵
01/24 14:58, 18F

01/24 18:19, , 19F
瞭解了, 謝謝
01/24 18:19, 19F

01/26 21:45, , 20F
01/26 21:45, 20F

01/26 21:46, , 21F
01/26 21:46, 21F

01/26 21:47, , 22F
01/26 21:47, 22F
文章代碼(AID): #1DEn29Jd (Immigration)
文章代碼(AID): #1DEn29Jd (Immigration)