Re: [問題] EB2-NIW-I140 IVP CP 時程 律師 VC

看板Immigration (移民事務)作者 (Grey's Anatomy season10)時間2年前 (2022/05/20 14:17), 2年前編輯推噓5(504)
留言9則, 5人參與, 2年前最新討論串1/4 (看更多)
這邊提供一個NIW-EB2的文件撰寫時程 最大的忠故是 越早開始寫這些文件越好 因為有很多事情要處理跟溝通 越早處理到最後階段越好 不要說為了等H1B或是其他有的沒的 而想說晚一點開始沒有關係 跟時間賽跑其實是很累人的 最佳狀態是全部都準備好 只剩下最後的一鍵送出而已... 等到全部準備好也半年過去了 我最大的後悔是沒有及早開始申請 之前想說讓公司出錢自己可以省$4500 (或是賭注H1B會抽到...結果兩次都沒抽到 另外公司PERM辦得超級慢 O-1也沒很保險) 現在看來 早一點有綠卡 早一點可以跳槽 轉職 換領域等等 不用在同一家公司或領域被綁住多年 我做得好的是可能推薦信很幸運很快準備好 另外一開始文件也很快寫好 所以petition letter很快就出來了 做得不好就是應該在OPT一開始 就開始撰寫這些文件 另外一開始擔心OPT期間送件 STEM-OPT 拿到後就可以一鍵送出了 (如果要求保險的話) Timeline 2021.11.19 Pay $2250 to lawyer. Get client package for case preparation. (lots of guidelines and documents) We would like to offer you two options for your NIW petition preparation. At your earliest convenience, please let us know whether you wish to proceed with the expedited NIW case preparation option or our standard NIW case preparation, as this will affect our review of your list of recommenders. 1. Expedite option: If you choose this option, we will draft 2 recommendation letters and the NIW petition letter at the same time. 2. Standard option If you do not choose the expedited case preparation option, we will draft 4-5 recommendation letters for your NIW petition and upload them for your review within 10 business days after we have confirmed the finalized versions of your Summary of Contributions and List of Recommenders. I chose expedite option. 2021.11.28 Summary of Contributions and Recommender List are uploaded. Dec 01, 2021 Lawyer suggested two recommenders and asked me to email them for their willingness. Then, they will do the drafts. Dec 02, 2021 Both two recommenders said yes. Dec 21, 2021 The first drafts of your recommendation letters and petition letter have been uploaded. We have also uploaded a guide to revising these letters without harming your case. Please send this guide to each of your recommenders and ask them to review it before making any changes to their letters. Jan 04, 2022 The first recommendations letter was uploaded. Jan 20, 2022 The second recommendations letter was uploaded. Jan 23, 2022 We have uploaded the finalized version of your NIW petition letter for your review. Jan 26, 2022 Final payment to lawyer Feb 14, 2022 Back to the states and get latest I94 Feb 16, 2022 Latest I94 and entry stamp documents are uploaded. Feb 16, 2022 Thank you for the updates. Your information in the Questionnaire and ETA-750B tabs looks good so far. At this time, we have generated and uploaded the signature pages of your Form G-28, Form I-140, and Form ETA 750B for you to print and sign. Feb 23, 2022 Your package is being mailed to USCIS via FedEx 2 Day shipping with Tracking Number USCIS: "On February 28, 2022, we received your Form I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker, Receipt Number" ※ 引述《eltonsmile (Grey's Anatomy season10)》之銘言: : 先謝謝大家進來文章觀看 : 問題: EB2-NIW-I140連動如何選I485或immigrant visa processing (IVP)? : (IVP 板上 用CP Consular Processing通稱) : 背景陳述: : 目前簽證: F1-STEM-OPT (STEM PhD degree) : 目前人在台灣遠端工作,預計二月中返回美國 : 從OPT一開始就在原公司,目前沒打算換工作,但未來如果有機會,可 : 能會想在工作滿兩年找其他機會. : 有三次抽H1B機會,第一次於2021沒抽到,第二次將於2022原公司會再抽一次.如果三次沒抽 : 到就很危險,雖然公司提備案可以L1,或是工作簽證掛在歐洲公司底下... : 變數: H1B 2022不知道會不會抽中. 如果抽中即可送出I485不必擔心因為後續combo card : 的使用invalid F1 STEM OPT. : STEM-OPT expiration date: Mid-July, 2023 : Family wedding date in Taiwan: Mid-Dec, 2022 (希望能在台灣參加得到) : 已經找VC評估EB2-NIW,也都通過approve or refund,然後推薦信也都找齊了,推薦人 : 都簽名完回傳經律師審核通過,目前就等我二月中回美國入境後填最新的I94,然後送出 : I-140. (只有我一個人主申請人,沒有任何其他申請人) : 律師評估說在F1-STEM-OPT情況下,不建議選擇I485,因為如果走了485雖然可以申請Combo : Card,但一旦使用Combo去工作(EAD)或是旅行(AP),隨即註銷F1-STEM-OPT,雖然combo在 : i485 pending有效,但萬一denial,隨即沒有任何合法簽證,馬上得中止工作及出境. : Combo card: : (之前還是新手的時候不太懂這些術語,所以我附上簡單介紹給後人快速解說) : Issued by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), the so-called : "combo card" combines an Employment Authorization Document (also known as a : work permit or EAD) with Advance Parole permission (allowing you to travel : and return to the U.S. without abandoning your green card : application-in-progress.) : 律師的建議雖然說: : If you decide to apply for your green card through IV processing, you can : stay in the U.S. during the process and would only have to travel to Taiwan : to have medical exam and attend interview after your interview is scheduled. : If your IVP application is placed in administrative processing, you could : return to the US with a valid nonimmigrant visa during the administrative : processing but you would have to return later for your IV stamping if your IV : application is approved. This travel can be time-consuming and expensive. For : additional information, please carefully review "15_Adjustment of Status : I-485 v. Immigrant Visa Processing" provided under the Visa FAQ tab on your : account. : IVP看起來是雖然我必須回台灣完成相關手續(我本人很願意藉此機會回台探親,公司雖然 : 不願意但應該可以允許我遠端工作),但我的理解是我依然可以用F1-STEM-OPT在美國繼續 : 工作且出入境,不知道IVP還有甚麼風險跟缺點我還沒考慮到? : 另外律師提到IVP的優點是駐外大使館比較有經驗處理這些事情,等待時間短於I485. : 但目前看來I485跟IVP各有優缺點,不知道能不能有請大家給一些意見/關鍵字或是哪些我 : 還沒注意到的,我該好好思考? (目前應該是速度及風險的取捨下...) : I485跟IVP速度來說,請問有推薦的論壇或工具可以讓我查哪一個比較快嗎? : 先謝謝大家了! 如果我有甚麼理解錯誤 還請大家直接指正 感謝! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(, 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: ※ 編輯: eltonsmile ( 美國), 05/20/2022 14:24:06

05/20 15:34, 2年前 , 1F
05/20 15:34, 1F

05/20 19:38, 2年前 , 2F
越早弄越好+1 和職涯發展的自由度相比,那四五千美元真
05/20 19:38, 2F

05/20 19:38, 2年前 , 3F
05/20 19:38, 3F

05/20 21:17, 2年前 , 4F
一般人卡最久應該是推薦人 然後你一天就XDD
05/20 21:17, 4F

05/20 23:32, 2年前 , 5F
05/20 23:32, 5F
推薦人這部份真的是很幸運其實也是平常就有不少互動 自己的學術界老闆 雖然畢業之後 還是常常跟老闆meeting 然後持續地把paper發表完 當然老闆人本身非常好 加上我自己也算蠻努力吧 所以很快的老闆就說好並且上傳推薦信 第二封獨立推薦人則是非常強的機運 某年去參加學術會議認識同領域的人 當時也還是 辛苦在學術界打雜默默無名的人 平常就有聯絡互動 ※ 編輯: eltonsmile ( 美國), 05/21/2022 00:56:56 ※ 編輯: eltonsmile ( 美國), 05/21/2022 04:02:30

05/21 05:06, 2年前 , 6F
我之前有因為跟公司還有公司律師concall過 律師了解我可以
05/21 05:06, 6F

05/21 05:07, 2年前 , 7F
辦NIW就建議公司可以讓我辦NIW公司再reimburse我 說比起
05/21 05:07, 7F

05/21 05:08, 2年前 , 8F
公司要PERM的EB2這樣比較省錢 而且基本上是讓員工自己去
05/21 05:08, 8F

05/21 05:10, 2年前 , 9F
flight USCIS 公司可以不用擔保那麼多 感覺能這樣跟公司談
05/21 05:10, 9F
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文章代碼(AID): #1YXpAIy5 (Immigration)