[問題]EB2-NIW RFE已刪文

看板Immigration (移民事務)作者 (Fait votre père)時間1年前 (2022/10/14 13:52), 編輯推噓0(000)
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Hi 各位版上好 我最近收到 RFE notice (白色而不是黃色的notice, 有什麼不一樣嗎, 我看板上都是黃色notice) 我老婆只要繳交medical exam, 而我需要多繳交share a marital life together... It should cover the period from June 28, 2020, to the present. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to: 1.Document showing jiont ownership of property, such as mortgage agreements or payment, property titles, or property registrations; Lease(s) showing the same residence. 我們沒有什麼共同財產....請問我該怎辦? 車子當初是我老婆先買後來我來美國跟他一起共享car insurance, 但車子財產還 是在我老婆單獨名下 2. Documents showing shared finances and obligations (such as jiont bank account(s), credit card statement, telephone bills, gas bills, electric bills water bills, other utility bills, joint income taxes, joint insurance policies insurance policies where one spoud is the dependent of the other, etc.); 我們沒有joint account 如果我們現在才去chase辦會不會被質疑???? 當初我們就說好誰負責付什麼錢, 所以我們都自己私人帳號, 以免為了錢吵架. 但有時候我們會互相給錢. 我們有租房契約(我和老婆名字都在上), 汽車insurance(GEICO,也是有兩個人名字在同一個insurance上, 但我們只有最新的今年7月到明年1月, 舊的都丟了也無法找到..可以只提供新的就好嗎?) 我們今年有合報夫妻稅, 也拿到tax 給的錢(這個我會提供, 之前都各報各的). 3. Pictures of wedding and other events; or 這裡我們會提供從台灣到美國一起所拍的照片和結婚照片, 也會描述什麼時候篇和是甚麼原因拍(總共23張). 4. Sworn affidavits from others with personal knowledge of the validity of the marriage. Each affidavit must have the full name, address, and date and place of birth of the person making the statemnet. It must also include his or her relationship, if any, to one or both spouses. Each affidavit must have complete information and details explaining how the person knows about the marriage. Each person making an affidavit may be required to testify before an immigration officer about the information in the affidavit. Affidavits should be supported, if possible, by one or more documents listed above as possible evidence. 這...我查了一些網站和版上...好像都沒看到這個問題....Orz, 我需要問我和我老婆 的老闆幫忙寫嗎, 因為當初covid時期也只有他們有參加我們結婚儀式. 我們人都在美國 不可能叫別人認識我們從台灣寫好寄來美國, 想說乾脆就讓現在在美國工作的老闆簽名 但是我實在不知道要怎麼寫這封信讓我們老闆簽名...有甚麼可以提供的意見嗎? 還是可以忽視...有和沒有會差很多嗎 感謝各位 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1665726759.A.A86.html
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文章代碼(AID): #1ZIFadg6 (Immigration)