[心得] EB2-NIW 時程分享

看板Immigration (移民事務)作者 (葡萄鴨)時間1年前 (2022/07/11 03:08), 1年前編輯推噓13(13014)
留言27則, 16人參與, 1年前最新討論串3/7 (看更多)
小弟一直都在本版潛水 感謝各位前輩們在板上分享時程和經驗 由於本身申請綠卡的過程非常不順利 看到版上很多人分享神速拿到綠卡的時程 但並沒有太多人分享掉到黑洞的經驗 就想要來跟大家分享一下 個人慘烈的經驗 希望我的經驗可以鼓勵到 還在苦苦等待的潛水版友們 座標:Houston 收據開頭:SRC Priority Date 2019/02/07 2018/07/26 Signed Contract with Attorney 2019/02/05 I-140, I-485 (with I-765, I-131, I-693) were filed concurrently 2019/02/07 Case was received by TSC 2019/03/04 Biometric/Fingerprint was taken 2019/04/01 I-765 and I-131 was approved, 1st combo EAD/AP card was received 一開始485反應還滿快的 結果從此掉進黑洞 完全無聲無息 2020 年初問了一下律師 律師要我們耐心等待 說跟我們同時申請的人已經有好消息了 結果開始遇到COVID 只能滿滿無奈地繼續等 2020/01/16 Renewal for I-765 and I-131 were filed 2020/06/15 I-765 and I-131 renew was approved, 2nd combo EAD/AP card was received 2020/08/24 I-140 Service Request was filed 律師也覺得太誇張了 幫我們去問 然後跟我們說他最近發現concurrent file的好像都掉進黑洞 他其他客戶 140 和 485 分開丟都早早收到綠卡了 就是幾個concurrent file的客戶都無聲無息(包括我們) 2020/11/19 I-140 was approved 終於在耐心等待651天之後 收到了140 approval notice 原本以為撥雲見日了 結果反而掉進另一個黑洞 我們的律師跟我說根據他以往的經驗 我們應該可以在140 approve 後4-6個月內收到綠 卡 還說我們不用擔心EAD renew的事 2021/04/14 Renewal for I-765 and I-131 were filed (2nd EAD card will be expired on 2021/06/14) 結果等了六個多月發現不大對勁 第二張EAD快要過期了 趕快丟了renew的申請 2021/06/01 Receive I-765 Receipt (180 days automatic extension for 2nd EAD) 結果TSC一整個無敵大黑洞 I-765 Receipt前兩次EAD申請都一兩個禮拜就收到了 這次讓我們足足等了七個禮拜 就在EAD要過期前兩個禮拜驚險收到I765的Receipt 沒收到receipt連180天 auto extension都要沒了 2021/06/14 2nd EAD card expired, start 180 days automatic extension 2021/10/03 Request I-485 Outside normal processing time through USCIS website 等阿等 覺得越來越不對勁 查了一下 驚恐發現 I-765 Processing Time在TSC居然要12個月 到處查了一下才發現TSC嚴重 case backlog 覺得我絕對不可能在180天內收到EAD卡 開始瘋狂催促I-485 2021/10/13 Receive I-485 RFE notice, asking for a new I-693 as the original submitted I-693 is expired (> 2 years) 之前的體檢過期了 又花了好幾百塊重新做了體檢 趕快送出去 2021/11/01 Respond to RFE was received by USCIS (submitted a new I-693) 2021/11/10 Submit Expedite Request for I-765 through Emma -> Denied immediately 2021/11/18 Contact Senator office to inquiry regarding I-485 and I-765 2021/11/24 Submit Expedite Request for I-765 through Emma -> Denied immediately 問公司HR我這種狀況怎麼辦 HR說沒辦法 180天過後沒收到EAD就是按規定只能把我Terminate 瘋狂地到處想辦法 找Senator 還有跟Emma 聊天 但完全沒有用 2021/12/10 180 day automatic extension for 2nd EAD was expired, current job was terminated 絕望 180天正式到期 工作沒了 只能在家等待燒存款 2021/12/16 Request I-485 Outside normal processing time through USCIS website. Tier 2 officer 回覆說要我等60天 I have requested this case for further review and processing. You will be notified by mail when a decision is made or if further information is required to process your case. You should expect an action on your case within 60 days. 律師說這是好消息 據他以往經驗這種回答應該馬上就會收到啦!!! 2022/01/07 USCIS respond to Senator’s inquiry USCIS records show that the priority date of the case for which your constituent is inquiring is currently available and that the case, with other visa available cases, is in the process to be assigned to an adjudicating officer. Please note that in the interest of fairness to all applicants, this case can only be assigned to an adjudicating officer once it reaches its place in queue. 兩個月前請Senator幫我們問 Senator Office無奈說USCIS也不理他們 等了兩個月終於給了回覆 結果看到快要翻桌 叫我慢慢排隊啦!! 2022/02/02 Submit Expedite Request for I-765 through Emma, tier 2 officer request for additional information within 48 hours 沒工作在家燒錢心煩意亂 再次丟出I765 Expedite Request 這次遇到好心的Officer願意給我機會 要我提供輔助文件看看 馬上請公司老闆幫忙提出一堆文件 (老闆和公司其實就甘心 希望我趕快回去幫忙) 一路Escalate到總公司 (總公司在歐洲) 兩天內拿到大大大老闆的簽名送出去給USCIS 2022/02/04 Supporting information for I-765 expedite request was submitted 2022/02/11 Request I-485 Outside normal processing time through USCIS website as no action was taken for 60 days from previous request. Tier 2 officer respond: We have received your service request and researched the status of your case. We have had to perform additional review, and this has caused a delay in processing time. Your case is currently with an adjudicating officer. You should receive a decision or notice of further action within 60 days. 再次送出I-485 Service Request 結果60天後又要我在等60天 氣到沒感覺了 2022/02/14 I-765 Expedite Request was approved 2022/02/15 I-765 and I-131 was approved, 3rd combo EAD/AP card was received 2022/02/28 Re-hired by original company 真的感謝公司對我不離不棄 還有大大大老闆的信 在家坐了三個月 終於回去上班 2022/04/14 Request I-485 Outside normal processing time through USCIS website as no action was taken for 60 days from previous request. (Receive no response from USCIS) 60天後再60天 還是完全沒有回應 連我的律師都崩潰不知道如何是好 2022/04/22 USCIS send I-485 transfer notice, I-485 was transferred from TSC to NBC 居然收到transfer notice 查了一下網上說 為了加速 USCIS要TSC把所有不在adjudicating officer桌上的CASE全部轉到NBC 等一下?!! 那你之前回覆跟我說我的case已經在adjudicating officer桌上 完完全全都在騙人!!!! 2022/06/04 Receive another I-485 RFE notice, asking for new I-693 又收到一次RFE 我快要超過極限了 我們明明 2021 11月才送了一個新的體檢RFE USCIS也顯示收到 律師表示無奈(你這錢超難賺) 推測case transfer時沒有把我之前的RFE一起送給NBC 律師要我們不要跟USCIS囉嗦 跟他們Argue沒有用 又花了一筆錢跟醫生要了之前體檢的COPY 2022/06/08 Respond to I-485 RFE with a copy of I-693 performed on 2021/10 2022/06/28 I-485 was approved 2022/07/05 Received Green Card 轉到NBC真的有加速 TSC 真的是無敵大黑洞!!! 從140 approve 後又整整等了 593天才收到綠卡 從丟出申請 整整等了三年半 周遭一堆朋友比我們晚超久丟都早早收到 等待的過程跟大家一樣真的每天再刷USCIS網站 和APP 說老實話 真的收到綠卡時 我已經完全沒多少喜悅的感覺了 最後給大家的建議是 在一切回復正常前 千千萬萬不要選擇把140 和 485 一起丟 (concurrent file) 很容易就掉進黑洞裡 怎麼也爬不出來 以上跟大家分享一下 希望還再苦苦等待的你不要放棄 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Immigration/M.1657480135.A.68E.html

07/11 04:12, 1年前 , 1F
thanks for sharing
07/11 04:12, 1F
※ 編輯: tsaiyu ( 美國), 07/11/2022 05:00:49

07/11 05:08, 1年前 , 2F
07/11 05:08, 2F

07/11 05:09, 1年前 , 3F
推辛苦了 原來TSC也有黑洞
07/11 05:09, 3F

07/11 07:09, 1年前 , 4F
07/11 07:09, 4F

07/11 07:10, 1年前 , 5F
07/11 07:10, 5F

07/11 08:50, 1年前 , 6F
07/11 08:50, 6F

07/11 10:38, 1年前 , 7F
07/11 10:38, 7F

07/11 10:47, 1年前 , 8F
恭喜恭喜 苦盡甘來啊
07/11 10:47, 8F

07/12 04:52, 1年前 , 9F
07/12 04:52, 9F

07/12 16:26, 1年前 , 10F
推辛苦了 恭喜苦盡甘來!
07/12 16:26, 10F

07/13 00:47, 1年前 , 11F
07/13 00:47, 11F

07/13 01:40, 1年前 , 12F
我也是一起丟 然後等了一年TSC被轉到NBC 浪費一年在TSC
07/13 01:40, 12F

07/13 01:41, 1年前 , 13F
07/13 01:41, 13F

07/13 01:41, 1年前 , 14F
所以打去跟他們吵也沒用? 我I-140等了超過14個月..
07/13 01:41, 14F

07/13 01:42, 1年前 , 15F
實在很想給負評 但他們不痛不癢
07/13 01:42, 15F

07/13 01:45, 1年前 , 16F
而且這個月他們開放可以pp 我已經寄了 但都沒啥動靜
07/13 01:45, 16F

07/13 01:47, 1年前 , 17F
2500到現在還沒扣款, 我老婆說他們該不會要等到快伸到
07/13 01:47, 17F

07/13 01:47, 1年前 , 18F
07/13 01:47, 18F

07/13 02:19, 1年前 , 19F
辛苦了,目前EB2-NIW 在NBC等9個月
07/13 02:19, 19F

07/13 02:21, 1年前 , 20F
G大case status 也沒更新成PP嗎?
07/13 02:21, 20F

07/13 03:26, 1年前 , 21F
沒 而且他們在7/2就收到了 (USPS tracking)
07/13 03:26, 21F

07/13 03:26, 1年前 , 22F
07/13 03:26, 22F

07/13 04:47, 1年前 , 23F
07/13 04:47, 23F

07/13 04:47, 1年前 , 24F
07/13 04:47, 24F

07/13 04:47, 1年前 , 25F
07/13 04:47, 25F

07/13 13:27, 1年前 , 26F
07/13 13:27, 26F

07/13 16:35, 1年前 , 27F
07/13 16:35, 27F
文章代碼(AID): #1YooF7QE (Immigration)
文章代碼(AID): #1YooF7QE (Immigration)