[情報] Wynn Las Vegas

看板LasVegas (拉斯維加斯)作者時間20年前 (2005/02/26 08:07), 編輯推噓0(000)
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最近去VEGAS的人可能會注意到,在威尼斯旁邊即將新開一家 Wynn的飯店,這是由Steve Wynn所興建,他曾經建過Bellagio 、Mirage和Treasure Island,對於這次他的新作不由得感到 興趣,以下是關於這家新飯店的資料。 # Approximately 2,700 Rooms # 111,000 square-foot casino # 18 restaurants # 18 hole golf-course # Art gallery featuring masterworks by Picasso, Van Gogh, and others # Full-service Ferrari & Maserati dealership # 150 foot man made mountain featuring a 5-story waterfall cascading into a lak e # 2,000-seat, domed showroom with a stage in the round # New production show designed by Franco Dragone, the creator of "Mystere," "O, " and Celine Dion's new show at Caesars Palace. # Estimated total cost (including land acquisition, construction, and company d evelopment): $2.6 Billion # Opening Date: April 28, 2005 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢參(ptt3.cc) ◆ From:
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文章代碼(AID): #127xt600 (LasVegas)