Re: [分享] 1/18 J2 TOEFL 獨立寫作擬答 [文法部分]

看板TOEFL_iBT (TOEFL_iBT托福)作者 (xzl)時間10年前 (2014/01/19 22:26), 編輯推噓9(9031)
留言40則, 8人參與, 最新討論串1/12 (看更多)
上一篇文章有點長,為了方便閱讀,所以將文法說明部分移到這篇文 章來。 ------------------------------------------------------------ Rosa 老師的第二段原文 First of all, art displays the characteristic of a society. Therefore, the government should support artists. For example, a Taiwanese painter, Huang Yon-Tsan, is good at drawing paintings of the nature. That is to say, through his art, people get a glimpse of the beautiful scenery and the creatures in Taiwan. Furthermore, Picasso depicts a society which places emphasis on leisure and on sitting around drinking tea with beautiful women. Through his art, people can imagine what life was like at that period in France. ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第一句】 First of all, art displays the characteristic of a society. 1. characteristic 是可數名詞,所以應該加 s。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第二句】 Therefore, the government should support artists. 1. government 目前並非某特定政府,所以應該用不定冠詞 a 而非 the. 2. artists 在此並非指普天之下所有的藝術家,而是指某國家自己 的藝術家,所以要加所有格 --> Therefore, a government should support its artists. ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第三句】 For example, a Taiwanese painter, Huang Yon-Tsan, is good at drawing paintings of the nature. 1. 關於 Huang Yon-Tsan(這是誰?我 Google 不到)應該改成 Huang Yon-Tsan, a Taiwanese painter, ... 或 The Taiwanese painter Huang Yon-Tsan (注意,沒有逗點) 至於原文的寫法,是不對的。犯了文法上關係子句或限定修 飾語的錯誤。 2. nature 前面不加 the 下面這四行說明來自 Longman Dictionary of Common Errors Nature (= the natural world of birds, trees, rivers, etc) is never used with the : 'We must stop destroying nature before it is too late.' --> For example, the Taiwanese painter Huang Yon-Tsan is good at drawing paintings of nature. ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第四句】 That is to say, through his art, people get a glimpse of the beautiful scenery and the creatures in Taiwan. 1. 這開頭的 that is to say 「也就是說」,在邏輯上不通。 因為這兩句話並不是同一個意思換一個句子再說一遍,所以這轉 折語應該換一個。比方說用 therefore 就比較合邏輯。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第五句】 Furthermore, Picasso depicts a society which places emphasis on leisure and on sitting around drinking tea with beautiful women. 1. Picasso 已經作古,所以不會 depicts,而應該是 depicted 2. places 應該是 placed 3. sitting around drinking tea 中 sit 與 drink 的意義上主詞 是誰?不可能是 society,看起來也不像是 Picasso 4. 最後,這整句話看起來應該是漏了一些字,目前文字所表達的意 思真的很不容易想像。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 【第六句】 Through his art, people can imagine what life was like at that period in France. 1. that period 中 that 是指示形容詞,也就是前文應該出現過 period 或與其相當的內容,後面才能用 that 去指,否則就會像 現在這樣,讓讀者不知這指的是那個「時代」。 ------------------------------------------------------------ 最後,這段文章還有一個我想不通的問題:後面兩位畫家的例子,為 何能夠推導出「政府應該資助(支持)藝術家」的論點,尤其是畢卡 索的那部分? 以上,關於文法以及用字的部分說明,大家參考看看。 並再次對 Rosa 老師表達歉意。 謝忠理 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

01/20 07:13, , 1F
01/20 07:13, 1F

01/20 09:44, , 2F
01/20 09:44, 2F

01/20 14:48, , 3F
01/20 14:48, 3F

01/20 22:41, , 4F
01/20 22:41, 4F

01/20 22:43, , 5F
01/20 22:43, 5F

01/20 22:45, , 6F
01/20 22:45, 6F

01/20 22:57, , 7F
01/20 22:57, 7F

01/20 22:58, , 8F
能否也藉此機會, 請謝老師幫忙評點看看? 很受用&感謝
01/20 22:58, 8F

01/21 09:56, , 9F
關於中式英文部分,不知 M 大看到的是哪一些?
01/21 09:56, 9F

01/21 09:57, , 10F
或許主題句:As for me, I strongly argue that ...
01/21 09:57, 10F

01/21 09:57, , 11F
01/21 09:57, 11F

01/21 13:30, , 12F
01/21 13:30, 12F

01/21 13:31, , 13F
TOEFL作文是初稿 重點似乎不在少許的文法失誤
01/21 13:31, 13F

01/21 13:33, , 14F
我上過Rosa的寫作 從十幾分進步到25分 而且獨立寫作
01/21 13:33, 14F

01/21 13:33, , 15F
固定拿到Good 我並不認為他的教學有什麼重大失誤
01/21 13:33, 15F

01/21 13:34, , 16F
01/21 13:34, 16F

01/21 14:46, , 17F
01/21 14:46, 17F

01/21 14:48, , 18F
01/21 14:48, 18F

01/21 14:49, , 19F
好;另外, 作為正確知識的上游, 已為人師的人該用考生
01/21 14:49, 19F

01/21 14:50, , 20F
的標準來對自己的作品負責, 還是字斟句酌生恐誤導了
01/21 14:50, 20F

01/21 14:51, , 21F
、辜負相信自己的人, R的問題我想很明顯了
01/21 14:51, 21F

01/21 14:52, , 22F
我手上有本謝老師寫的書, 我尊敬這位老師專業的態度
01/21 14:52, 22F

01/21 15:03, , 23F
樓上大大 並沒有利益和護航戰呀 不就在討論嗎
01/21 15:03, 23F

01/21 15:05, , 24F
托福文章要在三十分鐘內 審題+撰寫+檢查
01/21 15:05, 24F

01/21 15:06, , 25F
這種初稿式的文章 本來就允許少許的文法失誤呀
01/21 15:06, 25F

01/21 15:06, , 26F
01/21 15:06, 26F

01/21 15:07, , 27F
01/21 15:07, 27F

01/21 15:08, , 28F
想當然爾 遵循托福的遊戲規則拿高分是很合理的吧
01/21 15:08, 28F

01/21 20:38, , 29F
01/21 20:38, 29F

01/21 20:39, , 30F
01/21 20:39, 30F

01/21 20:40, , 31F
的錯誤是"可容許"的呢? 很推版上有老師們彼此
01/21 20:40, 31F

01/21 20:41, , 32F
01/21 20:41, 32F

01/21 20:43, , 33F
01/21 20:43, 33F

01/21 23:24, , 34F
01/21 23:24, 34F

01/21 23:25, , 35F
01/21 23:25, 35F

01/21 23:31, , 36F
得高分有得高分的方法 寫完美作文有完美作文的練法
01/21 23:31, 36F

01/22 00:03, , 37F
我想A大誤會我的意思了 降低錯誤率跟你得高分並不會
01/22 00:03, 37F

01/22 00:04, , 38F
有所衝突 相反的 應該能夠提升得高分的機會
01/22 00:04, 38F

01/22 00:04, , 39F
但我想這已經離題了 謝謝兩位老師在版上討論
01/22 00:04, 39F

01/22 00:05, , 40F
讓大家可以藉由這些問題獲益良多 :)
01/22 00:05, 40F
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