[情報] Priority Club 300分 [IHG]

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (Simon Sou)時間11年前 (2013/04/26 19:38), 編輯推噓8(807)
留言15則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/2 (看更多)
credit: 飛客茶館 http://www.flyertea.com/thread-169183-1-1.html 到下面的連結回答回題,答對後可以得300 points http://usa-survey.priorityclub.com/mwpvwj 問題跟答案: 1) What benefits can you enjoy from your first day as a Priority Club Rewards member? Answer: All of the above and more 2) You can earn Priority Club points for stays at which of these hotels? Answer: All of the above 3) In addition to hotel stays, you can earn points or miles through: Answer: All of the above and more 4) How many hotels worldwide offer Priority Club points? Answer: Over 4,300 5) How many nights or points do you need to reach Platinum Elite status? Answer: 50 nights or 60,000 points 應該是馬上到帳的,我剛填完馬上就收到了 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

04/26 20:12, , 1F
04/26 20:12, 1F

04/26 20:33, , 2F
這個好像有一陣子了? 有兩三個survey 還可以填不同語言
04/26 20:33, 2F

04/26 20:33, , 3F
的版本 當年我好像共拿2k分...
04/26 20:33, 3F

04/26 21:04, , 4F
04/26 21:04, 4F

04/26 21:40, , 5F
04/26 21:40, 5F

04/26 22:03, , 6F
04/26 22:03, 6F

04/26 22:10, , 7F
收到了 感謝
04/26 22:10, 7F

04/26 22:49, , 8F
收到了 ^^
04/26 22:49, 8F

04/27 14:13, , 9F
你填了,就有被封號的風險/給ihg封你的理由 300點,值得嗎
04/27 14:13, 9F

04/27 14:16, , 10F
如果你以後累積了數萬點甚至是數十萬 那種提心吊膽的成本
04/27 14:16, 10F

04/27 14:16, , 11F
是很大的 甚至是IHG官網維修你進不去,都會猜測是否被封
04/27 14:16, 11F

04/27 14:18, , 12F
我過來人的經驗提供新網友參考(我心臟較小..) 帳上有很多
04/27 14:18, 12F

04/27 14:18, , 13F
04/27 14:18, 13F

04/27 16:14, , 14F
04/27 16:14, 14F

05/01 02:47, , 15F
05/01 02:47, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1HUcSSCB (points)
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文章代碼(AID): #1HUcSSCB (points)