Re: [情報] IHG Rewards Win Big 促銷

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (打逼浪費生命)時間11年前 (2013/10/14 14:18), 編輯推噓6(609)
留言15則, 8人參與, 最新討論串17/25 (看更多)
請問大家big win的分都什麼時候到? 我是10/06C/O, 10/11拿到基本住房的分以及另外code的分, 但Big win的分目前都沒消息......, 這是正常?還是要跟飯店連繫? 麻煩幫忙解惑,感謝! ※ 引述《YouNeverWin (Good Old Day!)》之銘言: : 我拿到的offer : Stay at any IHG® hotel and receive 1,000 Points. : Stay a total of 17 nights and receive 10,600 Points : Stay at 4 different IHG brands and receive 16,000 Points : Book 7 separate stays through an IHG® hotel website or mobile device to get : our best price guarantee and receive 4,400 Points : Complete a simple survey and receive 100 Points : Stay at 7 of the following locations below and receive 8,800 Points <=日本,澳洲 : Stay 3 Saturday nights and receive 5,600 Points. : Spend $110USD on food or beverage at any IHG® hotel and receive 600 Points : Complete all of your offers and receive 47,000 Points : Total 94100 Points : 我是P AMB -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

10/14 14:45, , 1F
我的經驗:D+3,D+5. 9/21 C/O,24日QS入賬、26日Win Big入賬
10/14 14:45, 1F

10/14 14:56, , 2F
我10/6住的也是Win Big都還沒入帳,2晚送1晚也沒有
10/14 14:56, 2F

10/14 15:13, , 3F
10/14 15:13, 3F

10/14 16:14, , 4F
10/14 16:14, 4F

10/14 16:15, , 5F
10/14 16:15, 5F

10/14 17:25, , 6F
還真猴急咧~~~ 雖然我剛開始玩也是這種心情~~~
10/14 17:25, 6F

10/14 17:26, , 7F
一般都會乖乖等7~10天, 自己就會入帳, 超過才用補登的方式
10/14 17:26, 7F

10/14 17:26, , 8F 下面那個正常點數進來的日期,上面是
10/14 17:26, 8F

10/14 17:27, , 9F
BIG WIN進來的日期,也就是一般點數進來後七天...
10/14 17:27, 9F

10/14 17:29, , 10F
10/14 17:29, 10F

10/14 17:51, , 11F
10/14 17:51, 11F

10/14 20:26, , 12F
10/14 20:26, 12F

10/15 11:48, , 13F
回報 今天分已經進來了 繼續努力MR
10/15 11:48, 13F

10/15 14:09, , 14F
我今天WIN BIG 積分也進來了,若有好的刷房標的還請
10/15 14:09, 14F

10/15 14:09, , 15F
10/15 14:09, 15F
文章代碼(AID): #1IMuoyeT (points)
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文章代碼(AID): #1IMuoyeT (points)