[情報] Virgin Atlantic 哩程改成永不過期

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (mha)時間2年前 (2021/10/18 00:26), 編輯推噓1(101)
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這應該是舊聞了(09/2020),剛看到而且搜尋了沒有人po,所以給大家參考 Virgin Atlantic 哩程用來換兌換它們的夥伴航空班機,有些航線非常划算 當初是為了搭Delta商務艙從美東到日本,把花旗點數轉過去 後來因故取消,這兩年又因為疫情沒機會用掉,只好小心不要過期 以前 Virgin Atlantic 哩程是36個月過期,之前因為疫情已經延期過 現在哩程改名成Virgin Points,也改版成永不過期 As of 24th September 2020, Flying Club miles will never expire. They’ll also have a new name - Virgin Points. This change means that you can build up your Virgin Points balance for as long as you want, and enjoy rewards at your leisure – whenever you’re ready. https://bit.ly/3DOzNvM https://flywith.virginatlantic.com/gb/en/flying-club/members/flying-club-news.html# -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (美國) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/points/M.1634487984.A.537.html

10/18 09:32, 2年前 , 1F
10/18 09:32, 1F

10/18 10:45, 2年前 , 2F
10/18 10:45, 2F
文章代碼(AID): #1XR4wmKt (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1XR4wmKt (points)