Re: [歐洲] 英國人的婚姻價值觀

看板CultureShock (文化衝擊)作者 (l'Erudit)時間19年前 (2006/04/16 04:22), 編輯推噓4(404)
留言8則, 6人參與, 最新討論串4/6 (看更多)
Hi, I am a Taiwanese [My English does, basically, not exist, sorry]. I personally quite like British pubs, particularly local pubs in little town. As your description, local pubs are places of social activities (right?). I would say they are one of the major elements of the British culture. I learnt most of my cricket knowledge from a local pub, and now like it even more than baseball. The pubs are still only allowed to open utill 23.00, however, they are discussing about introduction of ban of smoking in pubs supplying food. Even it is still allowed people to smoke insides a pub, I like the British cigar boxes, which have more than 2/3 area of 'warnning words'. You can put it on the table to show the big words such as 'Somking Kills' to the guys smoking. I think a very good manner of Britons is that they drink alcohol, but they won't usually use peer pressure to push you take more beer pressure. I quite dislike that the alcohol culture in Taiwan (maybe you have already been aware of this.) Britons do respect the individuals. In Britain, you are allowed to hang over within a pub or wherever you like. Nevertheless, you are not allowed to show any sign of alcohol on 9 o'clock Monday morning. If you cannot take any more alcohol, just say you cannot. Nobody will give you any more ---- I quite like this. Also due to this, marriage in Britain is recognised a very decision and contract between the two involved individuals. Nobody would intervene too much of to whom a girl/boy (not themselves) is going to marry, even their parents. I don't think this means the parents don't concern their children; this is because marriage is recognised a very fundamental right and freedom of individual. This can be very different in Taiwan. Parents usually involve very much, or even play the most important roles, in their children's marriage. It seems to be very often that, in UK, relationships come much earlier than a marriage. Usually, they won't go to church to get on the ring after a couple of months after acquaintance. However, they can live toghther. During the relationships, they would got perfect opportunities to know each others. After a reasonable period, once a couple really decides to marry each other, they usually have a very good reason. Suppose most of the people believe in God, that would be a very serious situation, if you got to answer the questions in the church and signed the constract. Such a procedure did not exist in traditional Taiwanese culture. It is also interesting that during a wedding reception, the groom got to prepare a brief wedding address to their audience. However, in Taiwan, the groom and bride may be not allowed to say a word publicly. (I used to recognise that that was quite a pain for Taiwanese brides in their wedding reception. They are very real humans, but got to perform like a dolls... What for? I cannot understand.) Above all, I would like to draw a conclusion that, Britons, generally, spending much more time with their family rather than in pub. Surely they would go to pub in the evening, but before this, most of them would go home, cook and have supper with their partner and/or family. I don't think that would be a significant number of Britons would go straight to local pub by going home. At least, that is true that British pubs do not usually supply food in the evening. Similar to you, I got to do more work now. Have a nice weekend, Mate. See you later. ※ 引述《alicefoster (就是有forever)》之銘言: : 你好 : 我是一個英國人<我的中文不好,不好意思> : 大部分的英國人的確很常上酒吧(應該就是PUB?) : 因為這是我們聚會的地方 跟朋友見面通常都是在PUB : 但是喜不喜歡就要看每一個人不一樣的感覺 : 我不喜歡PUB因為我不喜歡香菸跟酒太多 : 在青少年時會很喜歡因為感覺很COOL覺得是大人的地方 : 又因為朋友都去那裡就會有PEER PRESSURE應該要去才COOL : 對婚姻 : 我已經結婚我知道很多台灣人覺得白人都只是想玩不想結婚 : 可是我的朋友都很願意給女友承諾 : 反而是女友不容易答應 : 現在已經是一個男女都要因為婚姻而擔心的社會(對想結婚的人) : 因為不只男人也許不想 女人也不容易答應 : 我要去做事了 : 等一下回來再繼續打 : BYE~ : ※ 引述《nastry (jtiolg)》之銘言: : : 請問各位是否知道英國人對婚姻的看法為何呢 : : 對於英國人只知道 : : 英國男人下班比較喜歡往酒吧跑 : : 請問各位有什麼心得呢? : : 謝謝囉 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From: ※ 編輯: lerudit 來自: (04/16 05:32)

04/16 13:05, , 1F
抱歉 我認為這篇充滿偏見
04/16 13:05, 1F

04/16 13:06, , 2F
04/16 13:06, 2F

04/16 15:48, , 3F
我也覺得有偏見..文化不同,而且也不全然都是這樣啊 太主觀
04/16 15:48, 3F

04/16 15:51, , 4F
嗯 我個人不喜歡這篇的說法 而且太流於個人主觀了
04/16 15:51, 4F

04/16 20:06, , 5F
Could I recommend you to watch "Pride and Prejudice"?
04/16 20:06, 5F

04/17 06:30, , 6F
Ithink this is an informative and interesting article.
04/17 06:30, 6F

04/18 15:39, , 7F
04/18 15:39, 7F

04/18 15:41, , 8F
04/18 15:41, 8F
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文章代碼(AID): #14GLNmuM (CultureShock)