Re: [歐洲] 英國人的婚姻價值觀
看板CultureShock (文化衝擊)作者lerudit (l'Erudit)時間19年前 (2006/04/16 20:08)推噓2(2推 0噓 0→)留言2則, 2人參與討論串6/6 (看更多)
※ 引述《alicefoster (就是有forever)》之銘言:
: 大家好 我回來了現在可以繼續打
: 但是我忘記有一點應該要寫的
: 哈哈對不起我不是很聰明
: 現在英國開始有很多拒煙PUB
: 希望可以快一點那一天到來
: 我覺得很開心所以會支持也許會比較多去
: 但是英格蘭人最近越來越像法國人老是抗議
: 不知道什麼時候可以普遍
I wish so as well. Mr Blair's government once talked of releasing the opening
time of local pub but tightening the regulation of cigarette.
We will see.
Do you like French people?
I won't give a clue on this, but I do like the very opened-mind environment
of Europe. For example, Great Britain and French fought against Germany during
the World War II, but now most of the people accept that is history.
Surely, the history can not be forgot. However, hate is not going to be with
the people forever. Now, they talk, they do business, they shake hands...
However, this is very different in Far East.
Generally, Chinese, and probably Korean, still very dislike Japanese.
I would only say... An opened mind is really important...
: 有人好像提到CLUB
: CLUB比較適合瘋狂我現在是老人已經不去了
: 當我看到還有像我這樣年紀的人喜歡聽GIRLY歌
: 我就知道他如果不是沒有腦子就是只是為了性
: 大部分PUB晚上十一點前就已經不多人
: 大家都喝醉並前往CLUB瘋狂畢竟CLUB的酒太貴音樂又要看自己的品味
: CLUB實在不是用來用說話交朋友的地方而是用身體以及臉
: 如果只是要跳舞也要好好選好CLUB每一家的特色都很特別
Basically, the volume of music does not allow you to 'talk' to people.
You might have to yell to get attention in some area... Anyway...
Some like it and some do not...
: 關於婚姻
: 我覺得每一個人對於在不在乎婚姻都有不同的看法
: 結婚是一件很重大的事對我而言,我的想法像以下
: 結婚應該就要兩人努力永遠在一起
: 會不容易但是只要兩人有真愛就會很值得
: 不過只要結婚就是在GOD面前說了對彼此的承諾
: 要BREAK一個很有意義的真心的PROMISE對GOD不好自己也會好傷心
: 所以為了不要後悔兩人都應該盡力維持
: 也許有好多犧牲但是互相都有而且是為了愛所以我真的覺得比很多事都偉大
: 現在離婚率在英國或是很多國家都很高今天新聞裡的數字是三分之二
: 我只好誠心希望我們是那三分之ㄧ大家結婚時一定都是這樣去希望的
God bless you.
I once met a british couple, which have already been wife and husband
for fifty years. They were celebrating their anniversary.
I do believe this is possible for everyone.. if you do choose
a right one and pay reasonable attention on maintaining the relationship.
Tolerance and understanding are both very important to achieve a perfect
It just like, in some other boards,
there are usually some gentlemen cannot be more tolerant of my poor English.
(Unfortunately, I cannot type chinese but rather can only read them.)
However, I just felt being understood here, and I can also understand your
writing; nevertheless, we have not really perfectly master each other's native
language, have we.
: 如果說大家對英國男人印象就是只有PUB那真的我們應該要想想
Well, don't worry this to much.
I quite like Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice". Do you?
: 不過希望可以不要
: 但是說一句實話我也是有這樣的想法就像我可能錯誤感覺台灣女生都很兇
: 因為我只認識兩個他們都很兇根本沒有<像夫轎子?>
Oh dear... No comment!
I am sure they would be tenderer, after hearing of this... Ha..
[I am just joking...]
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04/16 21:51, , 1F
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※ 編輯: lerudit 來自: (04/16 22:06)
04/16 22:06, , 2F
04/16 22:06, 2F
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