Re: [問題] 跳蚤問題
The best way to get rid of fleas is to use flea fogger.
u can get them at pet shops, or home depot.
but u need to stay away from ur room for about 3 hours.
and vacuum thoroughly before and after.
As for ointment, you can buy anti-itch from rite aid.
I know they are super itchy, just try not scratch, else ull be left with
scars like me *tears*
HOpe this helps!!
※ 引述《multicell (I am Mac freak!)》之銘言:
: 最怕的是不是跳蚤而是bed bug.
: 那你就殺不完了.
: 就要搬家了我看!
: ※ 引述《LukaTurilli (Nemesis)》之銘言:
: : 最近家裡突然出現一堆跳蚤
: : 被咬得慘不忍睹
: : 想問一下有沒有知道被咬要擦什麼藥比較好
: : 還有哪一牌殺蟲殺跳蚤的比較有效
: : 謝謝~~~
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07/25 08:03, , 1F
07/25 08:03, 1F
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