[分享] Here In My Home - Malaysian Artistes …
在大紅花看到 分享給大家(覺得很好聽 很感動)
文章節錄自Yasmin Ahmad的blog
On the 24th of April, 2008, about 100 volunteers gathered at KLPAC and made
a video about being One People in a nation of many.
The song, "Here In My Home", was written by Pete Teo. The music video is
officially described as having been directed by Ho Yuhang and Yasmin Ahmad,
but in truth, the celebrities who had come forth to offer their time and energy
for free, pretty much directed themselves.
Yuhang and I knew, at the very onset of the project, that we did not want fancy
camera moves or graphics that would have brought attention upon themselves.
(Music videos have a habit of doing just that!)
We figured that when you have charismatic people like Afdlin Shauki, Harith
Iskandar, Awie, Jason Lo, Reshmonu, Sheby Singh, Ning Baizura, the "Sepet"
couple (Ng Choo Seong and Sharifah Amani), Maya Karin, Tony Fernandes,
Reshmonu, Jaclyn Victor, Ida Nerina, Amber Chia, Atilia, Nikki and all those
other wonderful personalities singing and dancing to a beautiful song, the best
thing to do was to keep everything constant. A mostly un-moving camera, lots
of space for people to run around in, and a flat coloured location.
So in the end, what you'll see are Stars in their element.
Inshaallah. And when it's out, spread it around, O good people of Malaysia!
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