[心得] 美國2010年普查
看板WashingtonDC (大華府地區(馬里蘭、維吉尼亞州))作者trapezoid ( 飽滿)時間15年前 (2010/03/03 13:55)推噓3(3推 0噓 7→)留言10則, 7人參與討論串1/2 (看更多)
to 版上各位版友 :) 關於2010美國全民普查
http://www.taiwaneseamerican.org/census2010/ (頗可愛的短片~)
Please tell your friends, family, and anyone else you know that is
Taiwanese American to check "Other Asian" in Section 9, and write in
As some of you may already know, the US Census is taking place this year.
The US Census counts everyone residing in the United States -- in all 50
states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Island Areas-- as
mandated by the US Constitution every ten years. Forms have began to ship
out and are due April 1st, 2010.
Recent projections estimate that there are over 1 MILLION Taiwanese
in the United States, but the 2000 Census recorded only 144,795 people.
In order to correct this undercount a national campaign has started to inform
Taiwanese people to "Write in Taiwanese" on their Census forms.
Why is this important? Census data is used to distribute CONGRESSIONAL SEATS
to states, to make decisions about what COMMUNITY SERVICES to provide, and to
distribute $400 BILLION in federal funds to local, state and tribal governments
each year.
Please visit this website for more information and to view a Public Service
Announcement that was filmed to bring awareness to this undercount.
Thank you and please spread the word!!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
◆ From:
03/03 14:13, , 1F
03/03 14:13, 1F
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03/04 08:06, , 7F
03/04 08:06, 7F
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※ 編輯: trapezoid 來自: (03/04 13:10)
03/10 09:43, , 9F
03/10 09:43, 9F
03/11 01:55, , 10F
03/11 01:55, 10F
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