Re: [問題] TCP用非常飄渺的理由鎖我帳號

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (need be)時間11年前 (2013/07/31 22:50), 編輯推噓4(4017)
留言21則, 5人參與, 最新討論串2/3 (看更多)
救回來了!!! 我回了下面那封信給他,然後他說願意替我仔細查一下,後來發現是誤會我, 就把帳戶還給我了!! Dear Andrew Thank you for your reply and I hope you can re-activate my account and all cash-back earnings in this regard as soon as possible. I did nothing but following the "3 simple steps" as indicated on your Topcashback site homepage. If that is "potentially attributable to abusive or fraudulent activity that may contravene your Terms and conditions", then I think it is your website that is the one who "genuinely abuses and frauds." I truly appreciated your reply, but the reason you provided does not make any sense and is unacceptable. I sincerely hope you can take this issue seriously and solve it instantly. Your help will be much appreciated. Detailed credit card bills with Accorhotels transactions will be provided upon request. 感謝大家支持我據以力爭 ※ 引述《HANABI727 (need be)》之銘言: : 對方的回信如下: : Hi there, : Thanks for getting back to us. : I have taken a look at your account and unfortunately, it does appear that : this has been automatically terminated by our system as this shows : characteristics that are potentially attributable to abusive or fraudulent : activity that may contravene our Terms and conditions, this is in relation : to your Accorhotels transactions. : 好火喔!!從2月用到現在,每一筆accorhotels.com的返利都是照正常程序,從TCP連過去 : 雅高官網訂的,他就這樣一句潛在濫用或詐欺什麼鬼的就關我帳號,有英文好的高手 : 可以幫我看要怎麼回信問他到底是哪一筆交易違反嗎?我雅高返利有十幾筆,真的是氣 : 死人了!!! -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

07/31 22:58, , 1F
所以Accor hotel常被濫用!? 那還跟他們合作是...= =
07/31 22:58, 1F

07/31 23:02, , 2F
好像是因為其中有一筆我改了入住日期 然後就被雅高舉報
07/31 23:02, 2F

07/31 23:03, , 3F
給TCB 然後TCB就鎖我帳號
07/31 23:03, 3F

07/31 23:04, , 4F
但是其中一筆舉報就鎖我整個帳號 是有點over
07/31 23:04, 4F

07/31 23:05, , 5F
還好TCB不是每季固定匯模式 一旦可以匯就先入袋吧
07/31 23:05, 5F

07/31 23:08, , 6F
07/31 23:08, 6F

07/31 23:08, , 7F
今天用Ebate訂200美 結果他顯示400美 返利也跟著變兩倍
07/31 23:08, 7F

07/31 23:09, , 8F
07/31 23:09, 8F

07/31 23:10, , 9F
a大 我都訂預付價 大概訂完隔天就顯示pending了
07/31 23:10, 9F

07/31 23:23, , 10F
07/31 23:23, 10F

07/31 23:34, , 11F
07/31 23:34, 11F

08/01 02:21, , 12F
今年六月利用雅高五折優惠, 訂了七月和八月的華航諾富特住房
08/01 02:21, 12F

08/01 02:23, , 13F
08/01 02:23, 13F

08/01 02:25, , 14F
已提missing claim 但一直都沒下文, 不知是否還救的回來...
08/01 02:25, 14F

08/01 19:42, , 15F
a大 我目前收到最新可以轉出的 預訂日期是5/31
08/01 19:42, 15F

08/01 19:43, , 16F
所以8週應該是差不多 S大,你發missing claim有收到他的
08/01 19:43, 16F

08/01 19:44, , 17F
回覆嗎? 我上次提是有收到他回說雖然不知道要多久 但是
08/01 19:44, 17F

08/01 19:44, , 18F
08/01 19:44, 18F

08/01 23:57, , 19F
H大 TCB有回應已請商家(即雅高)確認,感覺是系統自動的回應
08/01 23:57, 19F

08/01 23:59, , 20F
目前該筆訂房紀錄仍未出現, 只能繼續等待商家的確認結果..
08/01 23:59, 20F

08/02 00:24, , 21F
我的回信好像有寫到it takes 2~3 months..耐心等看看吧
08/02 00:24, 21F
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