Re: [情報] IHG 點數 買一送一

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (基礎才是根本)時間11年前 (2013/08/13 13:42), 編輯推噓2(2010)
留言12則, 10人參與, 最新討論串2/5 (看更多)
※ 引述《d333352 (d333352)》之銘言: : 到 8/26 : 1,000 - 10,000 points for $13.50 per 1,000 points : 11,000 - 25,000 points for $12.50 per 1,000 points : 26,000 - 60,000 points for $11.50 per 1,000 points : 經由Points.com購買,可以搭配TCB使用 : Elite Member專屬 : 兩人買240000分搭配US買一送一 : 等變成AA換大溪地之旅 從LoyaltyLobby上看到.. The price of a point under this offer is about the same as with the recent Daily Getaways sale that was restricted to US billing addresses only. This sale is IHG Rewards Club (handled by and available for members worldwide. 這是不是指說只有地址在美國的帳戶才收得到啊?? -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

08/13 13:51, , 1F
08/13 13:51, 1F

08/13 13:59, , 2F
IHG Plat + AMB, 但也沒收到..
08/13 13:59, 2F

08/13 14:15, , 3F
有可能, IHG Plat + 美國住址
08/13 14:15, 3F

08/13 14:15, , 4F
BTW, 有收到
08/13 14:15, 4F

08/13 14:20, , 5F
是之前AE的Daily Getaways才是美國住址限定
08/13 14:20, 5F

08/13 14:59, , 6F
08/13 14:59, 6F

08/13 15:02, , 7F
08/13 15:02, 7F

08/13 15:03, , 8F
08/13 15:03, 8F

08/13 15:50, , 9F
08/13 15:50, 9F

08/13 17:33, , 10F
08/13 17:33, 10F

08/13 19:29, , 11F
台灣地址,ihg p有收到
08/13 19:29, 11F

08/13 22:44, , 12F
08/13 22:44, 12F
文章代碼(AID): #1I2SSpgj (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1I2SSpgj (points)