[問題] IHG的BRG疑問 [IHG]

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (^o^ ￾ ￾N)時間11年前 (2013/09/02 21:20), 編輯推噓3(305)
留言8則, 4人參與, 最新討論串1/3 (看更多)
想請問一下IHG的BRG條款 檢視價格的時候 飯店10%服務費是不算在內的嗎? 我看了網站的條款沒看到這部分 不過~我最近訂了義大皇冠假日酒店 官網 1 KING EXECUTIVE STUDIO SUITE NONSMOKING 最优弹性房价含早餐 NT$ 7,600.00 TWD 每间客房,每晚入住 服务费:每晚 10%,不包括在以下有效日期的价格中 税费:每次住宿 5%,包括在以下有效日期的价格中 每间客房最多住2人 hotelclub Crowne Plaza KAOHSIUNG E-DA WORLD King executive studio suite nonsmoking - Breakfast for up to 2 adults. Value limit may apply. FREE cancellation! 2 guests NT$6,608.70 avg/night NT$6,608.70 Taxes and fees NT$ 991.31 Total trip cost NT$7,600.01 填寫了BRG的表格 客服很快回信告知 The rate on IHG including tax was 7600 TWD and same with www.hotelclub.com. The 10% added to your rate is for the room service charge. Please be informed that this is not included in the rate on TPI and is chargeable by the hotel upon arrival. 並且將Hotelclub中的一段文字反黃給我看 Please note that you may also incur other charges that we do not collect and are not included in the quoted price, suc as hotel resort fees, pets fees, and incidental charges(such as room service, mini-bar, gratuities). The amounts will be collected from you directly by the hotel unless otherwise indicated on the website. 感覺他覺得這段文字指的是10%服務費 但是我認為這是指如果我有使用到這些額外收費的服務 飯店會另外跟我收費 不知道有沒有人用"Hotelclub"網站BRG成功過的 或是這部分我要如何跟他爭取 謝謝 :) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

09/02 21:50, , 1F
09/02 21:50, 1F

09/03 01:03, , 2F
hotelclub 也不符合使用台灣貨幣條款,你可以不要浪費時間
09/03 01:03, 2F

09/03 01:04, , 3F
09/03 01:04, 3F

09/03 08:22, , 4F
我上次用AGODA 結果他說差價不到1$不算
09/03 08:22, 4F

09/03 09:40, , 5F
09/03 09:40, 5F

09/03 09:44, , 6F
09/03 09:44, 6F

09/03 09:44, , 7F
09/03 09:44, 7F

09/03 09:45, , 8F
check in的時候飯店可能會另外收取費用,所以不算
09/03 09:45, 8F
附一下回信給之後大家要BRG參考 We would also like to inform you that the service charge is an additional fee being imposed solely by the hotel. I understand that on the third party site (www.hotelcub.com), it is indicated that their rate already includes taxes & fees. However, even if you made your reservation directly with www.hotelcub.com, upon checking-in at the property, hotel will still charge you the service charge since it is a miscellaneous fee imposed locally and varies from one property to another. It is possible that this specific charge/fee may not be indicated on the third party site but such fees will be billed by the hotel upon checkout. As stated on our Terms and Condition, “For purposes of this Guarantee, "rate" does not include any taxes (unless otherwise noted), tariffs or fees imposed by any governmental authority (e.g., federal, state or local) on either IHG or the guest for the duration of the guest's occupancy. Rates being compared to determine if Guarantee applies must both either be with taxes included, or without taxes included. Rates being compared to determine if Guarantee applies must both either be with taxes included, or without taxes included.” Other fees such as service charge (aside from the usual taxes) are not covered/computed on this particular case. Hence, IHG and www.hotelcub.com rate remain the same. ※ 編輯: bluewith 來自: (09/03 09:50)
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