[住宿] Match IHG P卡

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (傑克)時間11年前 (2013/12/13 15:22), 編輯推噓3(302)
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看到前篇的match文 原本想等明年初在寄,不過早上忍不住就寄信過去了 附上HHonor Gold (2 stay). Best Western Platinum(1 stay record) 皆是screen print PDF 7:06寄至priorityclub@ihg.com (簡短直白兩句說我要match XD) 7:20就收到回覆: (頗迅速...) Dear Mr. Wu, Thank you for contacting IHG Rewards Club regarding your Platinum Elite account. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you. Foremost, we sincerely apologize for the delay of response as we are experiencing high email volume than normal. We are pleased to inform you that your IHG Rewards Club membership level has been upgraded to Platinum. For your reference, below are the benefits accorded for Platinum members: (略) We have ordered a new Platinum membership kit for you, which you shall receive within the next 2 to 4 weeks. Your membership level will be valid through the end of 2014 . Please be informed that in order for you to retain your Platinum status, you have to accumulate at least 50 qualifying nights or earn 60,000 points in a calendar year. Otherwise, you will be downgraded to the next level of membership which will correspond to the amount of points or nights you have accumulated in a calendar year. Further, please be informed that this process is a one time courtesy only and future requests will no longer be honored as the system will have a record of this exception. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From:

12/13 15:55, , 1F
12/13 15:55, 1F

12/13 16:34, , 2F
12/13 16:34, 2F

12/13 18:26, , 3F
12/13 18:26, 3F

12/13 18:58, , 4F
12/13 18:58, 4F

12/13 21:09, , 5F
12/13 21:09, 5F
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文章代碼(AID): #1IghMfEu (points)