[新聞] AF447:'Damn it, we're going to crash’
Air France Flight 447: 'Damn it, we’re going to crash’
Marc Dubois: the veteran captain,was heading for a routine break
David Robert: David Robert's deputy, a seasoned flier with 6,500 flying hours
Pierre-Ce'dric Bonin: was at the controls and, though the most junior
pilot,he had clocked up a respectable 2,900 hours on
commercial jets
02:13:40 (Robert) “Climb… climb… climb… climb…”
02:13:40 (Bonin) “But I’ve had the stick back the whole time!”
02:13:42 (Dubois) “No, no, no… Don’t climb… no, no.”
02:13:43 (Robert) “Descend… Give me the controls… Give me the controls!”
Robert takes control and finally lowers the nose, but at that moment a new
hazard warning sounds, telling them the surface of the sea is fast
approaching. Robert realises the ghastly truth – that he hasn’t enough
height to dive to pick up speed. The flight is doomed.
02:14:23 (Robert) “Damn it, we’re going to crash… This can’t be happening!
02:14:25 (Bonin) “But what’s going on?”
The captain, now acutely aware of the aircraft’s pitch, has the final word:
02:14:27 (Dubois) “Ten degrees of pitch…”
There the recording ends.
Well, the opinion may be on the way!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc)
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※ 編輯: nyrnu 來自: (04/30 13:51)
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