[食記] WA-SHU 和酒已刪文

看板Food (美食板)作者 (音符老丸子)時間3年前 (2021/06/26 11:57), 3年前編輯推噓1(100)
留言1則, 1人參與, 3年前最新討論串1/1
煙燻小食大集合 - 稻葉老闆親自用日本進口櫻花木煙燻食材,和酒獨家的下酒菜,絕對讓? 而且怎麼可以只吃小食呢?當然要搭配調酒啊! 調酒外帶服務時段為每日15:00-23:00,颳風下雨我們都在,需要酒精的朋友,讓我們來替? Here comes the full list of WA-SHU’s Smoked food! All snacks smoked by Tomo San And of course you are not eating the snacks by themselves! Pair them with cockta Cocktail takeaway available daily 15:00-23:00, no matter how harsh the weather. Let WA-SHU sanitizes your body and soul! 禁止酒駕、未滿18歲者禁止飲酒、飲酒過量有害健康 【和酒煙燻小食訂購品項 WA-SHU Smoked food】 *稻葉老闆煙燻培根片 Smoked Bacon Slices (needs to be heated非即食,需使用烤箱? 2人份 200g NT300 4人份 400g NT550 (培根目前無現貨,需等候) https://i.imgur.com/O5CGbin.jpg
*煙燻培根披薩一人份 Smoky Bacon Pizza for one 160g - NT150 (Frozen冷凍 非即食) https://i.imgur.com/TyDltvM.jpg
*煙燻卡門貝爾起司Smoked Camembert Cheese 60g – NT150 (ready to eat可即食) https://i.imgur.com/7kXHpoY.jpg
*煙燻切達起司 Smoked Cheddar Cheese 70g – NT180 (ready to eat可即食) https://i.imgur.com/CM7IMuS.jpg
*煙燻毛豆 Smoked Edamame 130g – NT100 (ready to eat可即食) https://i.imgur.com/J96COOu.jpg
*煙燻帶殼杏仁果 Smoked Almond 65g - NT100 (ready to eat可即食) https://i.imgur.com/wTzh6b9.jpg
【如何訂購】 提前1日私訊WA-SHU粉絲專頁,將有專人協助您。 (若當日才預訂外送,恕我們沒有辦法保證到貨時間。) How to order: Private message WA-SHU fan-page preferably 1 day in advance. If order on the day we cannot guarantee accurate delivery time. 來店自取 Self pick up - 15:00-23:00 配送時間 Delivery – 16:00-20:00 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣) ※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Food/M.1624679838.A.4B4.html ※ 編輯: doremifasola ( 臺灣), 06/26/2021 12:16:54

06/26 17:59, 3年前 , 1F
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06/26 17:59, 1F
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