[情報] UA 里程特價(40% off)

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (小深藍)時間11年前 (2013/05/24 21:08), 編輯推噓11(1102)
留言13則, 9人參與, 最新討論串1/1
http://0rz.tw/b0CXq 要買25000 mile以上才有40$ off, 平均價格是 2.26 cent (USD) / mile Reach the awards you want faster by saving on the miles you need. For a limited time, receive up to 40% off when you purchase award miles. Save 20% when you buy less than 25,000 award miles Save 40% when you buy 25,000 award miles or more ORDER LINK: BUY PERSONAL MILES ORDER LINK: BUY GIVE MILES Offer details: This offer is only available by visiting united.com/buymilesmailoffer Discount can be used multiple times while the promotion is valid These miles can only be used for awards and do not count toward Premier® status. Total cost will include a 7.5% federal excise tax. You can purchase up to 100,000 award miles per calendar year per account. A minimum purchase of 2,000 award miles per account is required for this offer. Miles are available in increments of 1,000 miles. Credit card will be billed immediately upon purchase. Program fees and mileage rates subject to change. Allow 48 hours for miles to process and post to your MileagePlus account. Miles are nonrefundable. Promotional offer valid until 11:59 p.m. CT on June 30, 2013. (008175/008177) -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc) ◆ From: ※ 編輯: winjj 來自: (05/24 21:09)

05/24 23:56, , 1F
05/24 23:56, 1F

05/25 00:01, , 2F
借此機會請教一下,有無UA可以利用的 cashback 網站?
05/25 00:01, 2F

05/25 00:03, , 3F
2.43 cent/mile (加 7.5% tax)
05/25 00:03, 3F

05/25 00:05, , 4F
50% off 再找我!飄+1
05/25 00:05, 4F

05/25 00:07, , 5F
50%我也買不下去 只好找chase...
05/25 00:07, 5F

05/25 00:17, , 6F
05/25 00:17, 6F

05/25 00:19, , 7F
share 1 get 1 = 1cpm 神之促銷
05/25 00:19, 7F

05/25 00:28, , 8F
05/25 00:28, 8F

05/25 00:28, , 9F
1.37cpm成交200K miles
05/25 00:28, 9F

05/25 00:33, , 10F
對對對 抱歉我漏算稅金QQ
05/25 00:33, 10F

05/25 01:09, , 11F
US BOGO已入帳,摩拳擦掌期待轉一送一
05/25 01:09, 11F

05/25 11:17, , 12F
這應該也是透過points.com賣的, 可經過topcashback返現
05/25 11:17, 12F

05/26 14:16, , 13F
現在有風聲有轉一送一嘛 看有人等兩年才一次 = =
05/26 14:16, 13F
文章代碼(AID): #1HdsPUtY (points)
文章代碼(AID): #1HdsPUtY (points)