Re: [閒聊] Melia羊反咬

看板points (點數哩程板)作者 (ii)時間11年前 (2013/06/18 21:47), 編輯推噓0(000)
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※ 引述《asdfzxcv (ii)》之銘言: : 跟著拔羊毛後UA帳號被封,寫mail去交涉後的回覆 : Your account was closed due to your fraudulent deposit of miles from : on June 4th. The invalid deposit has been removed from your : account. I would suggest that in the future you be extremely cautious to : read the terms and conditions of any non-flight promotions in which you may : choose to participate. Any future invalid deposits may result in the : permanent closure of your account and forfeiture of the balance. : 結論就是小心拔羊毛 後來仔細看一下帳戶activity 用melia原本2000分轉的里程還在 其他使用N*250分轉的被扣回 這樣看來melia也是損失不少 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:
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