Re: [新聞] 空中巴士將推出A330neo?

看板Aviation (航空板)作者 (文人相輕自古皆然)時間13年前 (2012/03/10 12:48), 編輯推噓3(308)
留言11則, 7人參與, 最新討論串2/2 (看更多)
持續追蹤一下後續新聞。 1.空中巴士覺得A330還是大有可為,所以想繼續進化A330客機,但目前不考慮換發動機。 2.因為Re-engine的A330會直接槓上A350-800,親痛仇快的事還是不要發生好了。 Airbus cool on A330neo plans By: David Kaminski-Morrow London Airbus is not looking to extend its potential A330 improvement measures to new engines, but is keen to broaden the twinjet's appeal and lengthen its production life ahead of A350 development. The airframer is pondering sharklet wingtips for the A330, a modification tested on the A320 before Airbus chose to consolidate fuel-burn improvement by re-engining it as the A320neo. "The A330 has a future and we want to keep it at the cutting edge of technology and performance," says EADS chief executive Louis Gallois. "So Airbus is encouraged to look at possible improvements with a good business case." But Gallois also says that "for the time being" Airbus is "not thinking of new engines" on the A330. Developing a re-engined A330neo would effectively recreate a configuration rejected in favour of the current A350 family, and would encroach on the 250-seat market of the A350-800. 其實空中巴士會暫緩A330neo也不太讓人意外, 因為換發動機其實是大工程, 當初波音也想說把747-8直接裝上787的發動機就好, 弄到最後機翼也是重新設計, 看過一些報導, A330neo原本打算裝787用的發動機, 但直徑太大會離地面太近(RR), 另外裝上去好不好用又是另一回事了。 而且空中巴士超怕A350-800就此GG了, 358被333neo幹掉, 搞不好可以榮登2012年民航新聞第一大條了。 另外空中巴士想要發展A330-300的話, 還是把她留在中長程線比較適合吧, 目前333的強項就是在4500 nm航程以下的航線, 航程一拉長不但自相殘殺, 搞不好連優勢就喪失了。 波音表示: 如果行的話我就玩767MAX就好了,還要在這邊歹戲拖棚這麼久... 空巴表示: 先前有聽說ptt航空版有A340拔APU換發動機的技術,本公司求才若渴(誤) B737表示: 饅頭Q版發動機不是你想裝就可以裝的齁 -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ◆ From:

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