[新聞] 曼德拉虎航(Tigerair Mandala) 7/1起停飛

看板Aviation (航空板)作者 (陽光宅男~)時間10年前 (2014/06/18 22:39), 10年前編輯推噓0(001)
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新聞來源:http://ppt.cc/JSAQ 印尼廉價航空曼德拉虎航(Tigerair Mandala)因為不斷虧損 且找不到其他買主決定從2014/7/1起結束所有國際/國內航線 營運。 曼德拉虎航35.8%由新加坡虎航持有,另外還有Saratoga Group 及PT Cardig International共同持有。 曼德拉虎航已經連續六個季度虧損,本年首季也虧損了9千5百萬 新加坡幣;部分航線可能由新加坡虎航後續營運。 == 到新加坡轉曼德拉虎航往峇里島或其他印尼國內的可能要注意了。 虎航近來好像營利不是很好,促銷、廣告好像也比較少些。 希望可以振作,還有台灣虎航~~ == 原文 The Indonesian budget carrier Tigerair Mandala will cease operations from July 1, 2014 after its shareholders decided to stop funding the airline. Tigerair Mandala has been struggling to make a profit. It booked six consecutive quarterly losses, with a loss of S$95 million for the first quarter of this year. Tigerair Mandala is 35.8 per cent owned by Singapore's Tigerair. The other shareholders include Saratoga Group and PT Cardig International. Tigerair and other shareholders have explored various options for the carrier in recent months but failed to get a buyer. They concluded that the carrier would not be able to sustain its operations. Group CEO of Tigerair, Lee Lik Hsin, said Indonesia remains an important market for the airline and it will continue to maintain an active presence there through Tigerair Singapore. -- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: ※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Aviation/M.1403102363.A.1F0.html ※ 編輯: surface (, 06/18/2014 22:40:57

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06/19 12:08, 1F
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